Approvals and Revisions
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
Procedures for Drafting, Submitting, and Approving Policies
The following procedures should be observed by all administrative offices and constituency groups in drafting and submitting university policies for approval/revision by the Chancellor and President. In addition to the approved documents retained in files in the Chancellor’s office, official versions of these documents, as they have been approved, are available on this web site. Revisions of these documents may not be printed and circulated without the required approvals as described below.
If the document is new and has both policy and procedural components, the components should be separated. The draft should begin with the statement of policy, making reference to the authority to this policy (SIU Board of Trustees policy, federal or state law, other). The draft should follow submission criteria detailed in section 5 of the Coversheet for Policy Recommendations.
During the development of the proposal, the document drafter(s) should consult the offices of General Counsel, President, Chancellor, their Vice Chancellor, constituency bodies, and any officials that may have special knowledge regarding the subject being addressed.
If the policy is being revised, the draft should follow submission criteria detailed in section 5 of the Coversheet for Policy Recommendations. Revisions will go through the same approval process as an original policy.
If the only revision to a policy is to fix an incorrect or non-functioning link to a web page, the Policies and Procedures web page link correction form can be used. The form must be completed, signed by the Executive Administrator of the office originating the proposal, and sent to the office of University Communications for approval. The person submitting this form must attest that the only change to the policy is to restore or correct a broken web page link and that the new link does not alter the policy in which it is contained in any way. Only broken web links can be changed with this process. Other revisions must follow the process as an original policy.
A draft of the policy or procedure accompanied by a Coversheet for Policy Recommendations with sections 1-6 completed by the originating source, is submitted to the Executive Administrator of the office originating the proposal for signature in section 7.
The document is then submitted to General Counsel and the Chancellor. Once this approval is received the Chancellor forwards to the President, if Presidential approval is required as determined by General Counsel. Once Presidential approval is obtained, if necessary, the document is returned to the Chancellor who forwards the document to University Communications for Web updating on the SIU Policies and Procedures page.