Outstanding Scholar
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:49 PM
Purpose: The Outstanding Scholar award is granted in order to recognize and promote outstanding research and creative endeavors. It is a testament to the central contribution that scholarship makes to the life of the university.
Criteria for Selection: The award is an exceptional one given only to those who have made outstanding contributions to their disciplines and have thus become widely recognized for their achievements by other scholars in their fields. The award need not be made annually. The award should not be granted to more than one individual during an academic year.
Nomination Process: Nominations for the award may be proposed by colleagues, associates, supervisors, or subordinates of the nominee. Nominations are due during the fall term (the date, which is announced annually, is usually in October). The nomination should, however, be supported by a detailed statement of the nature and importance of the accomplishments sought to be rewarded. A separate submission of relevant supporting documentation, such as curriculum vita, list of scholarly and creative activities, and special awards are requested by a date approximately four weeks following the nomination deadline. The name, address, and phone number of 6 referees external to the university must also be included in this latter submission as potential contacts by the committee. The nomination letter and the packet of supporting documentation should then be forwarded to the Graduate School Office, Attention: Outstanding Scholar Award Committee.
Selection Process: The Outstanding Scholar Award Committee is to be composed of an active scholar selected by the Deans' Council, an active scholar selected by the Faculty Senate, and an active scholar selected by the Graduate Council. Three additional members shall be the Outstanding Scholars of the previous three years. The seventh member, the chair, is to be appointed by the Provost and Vice Chancellor. Should one of the eligible previous Outstanding Scholars not be able to serve, a like awardee from previous years will be selected by the graduate dean. This committee should draw up comprehensive procedures and standards to regulate all areas of the selection process. Amendments to the statements set forth in this document should be proposed by the selection committee for consideration by the Provost and Vice Chancellor.
Eligibility: All SIUC employees involved in research and creative activities are eligible for the award. An individual may not receive the award in two consecutive years.
Nature of Award: The permanent title of Distinguished Scholar, a framed certificate, and a $1,000 monetary award are to be granted to the recipient of the University-Level Scholar Excellence Award. He/She will also receive recognition at the annual awards reception and May commencement ceremony.
A reserved parking space is provided from August 1 through July 31; recipients must have a valid parking decal.
Link to selection process.