Outstanding Teaching
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:49 PM
The purpose of this award is to reward undergraduate senior faculty members who have demonstrated effective teaching skills over a period of several years. One faculty member will be selected by the Undergraduate Teaching and Curriculum Committee as the outstanding undergraduate teacher. The recipient will receive $1,000.
The following guidelines and procedures will be used to select the recipient of the award:
- Eligibility: Tenured faculty members with a portion of their assignment on a regular basis to undergraduate teaching. Faculty who received the award in 1984 or since that date are not eligible.
- Nomination procedures: Each school or college may nominate one faculty member per 100 tenured faculty. If a school or college has fewer than 100 tenured faculty, one faculty member may be nominated from that unit. If a unit has more than 100 tenured faculty but fewer than 200, the unit may nominate two faculty members. If a unit has more than 200 tenured faculty but less than 300, the unit may nominate three faculty members. It will be the responsibility of each college to determine the number of faculty the unit may nominate and to develop screening procedures for selecting nominees for the award.
- Evidence that should accompany nominations for the award:
- Teaching assignment for the last three years.
- Evaluation of teaching by undergraduate students, faculty colleagues, department chair, and the dean. Evaluative letters of undergraduate teaching ability from former students, faculty colleagues at other universities, and other sources are encouraged.
- Further supporting evidence in the form of journal articles, books, grants, etc. related to undergraduate teaching activity should also be included. Also note any previous teaching awards and the basis for those awards received either at a university or from regional or national organizations.
- Statement of philosophy, teaching goals, and objectives is encouraged.
- Final Selection of the Recipient: Nomination materials for the outstanding teaching award should be submitted by the dean of the academic unit to the Provost and Vice Chancellor by date to be announced annually, usually in late February]. In addition to the materials, the dean should provide a letter explaining the procedures followed in selecting the nominee(s). The Undergraduate Teaching and Curriculum Committee will review the nominations and select the individual to receive the award. Should a member of the Undergraduate Teaching and Curriculum Committee be a nominee for the teaching award, that individual will not serve as a committee member to review nominations. Another faculty representative from that school or college will be appointed on an interim basis to review the nominations for the award.