Short Term Military Leave Policy
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
When a military student is notified that they have been called to duty or need to return for medical treatment, they need to make their instructors aware that they will be absent. The Registrar’s Office will then work with the instructors to help the student in one of the following ways:
- Students that will be absent for one day to three weeks will be allowed to make up any missed work without penalty to their grade. The student is required to present proof of training schedule, official orders or letter from the member’s unit to the Registrar’s Office and Veterans Center. In cases of medical treatment, personnel must present a signed document from the VA physician, Veterans Affairs Representative or other qualified individual indicating that an absence should be excused.
- Students that are activated for more than three weeks but less than six months will have the option to accept the grade they have earned on performance in the course and faculty judgement. If both agree, a letter grade can be issued to the student. If the faculty member deems a letter grade is not appropriate, an INC grade can be given to the students with instructions on what work needs to be completed for a letter grade to be entered at a later date. The student is required to present proof of training schedule, official orders or letter from the member’s unit to the Registrar’s Office and Veterans Center. In cases of medical treatment, personnel must present a signed document from the VA physician, Veteran’s Affairs Representative or other qualified individual indicating that an absence should be excused.