Staff Development
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:49 PM
Human Resources is committed to providing programs that are responsive to both the employees' and supervisors' needs in furthering an employment climate that is conducive to personal professionalism and organizational effectiveness. Staff development programs, designed in response to expressed needs of departments and periodic needs assessments, are offered as resources permit.
Released time will be granted to employees for participation in such university-sponsored training and development activities as will enhance the employee's effectiveness and productivity. In order to qualify for released time, the employee must provide appropriate prior notification and obtain the approval of the department supervisor.
Courses for Undergraduate or Graduate Credit
With the approval of the department head and Human Resources, permanent, full-time employees who meet the academic requirements may register for courses, with tuition and fees waived (see policy on Tuition and Fee Waivers elsewhere in this handbook). Lunch periods are not defined as part of the basic work hours for consideration of this benefit. Work time lost in taking a course shall be made up at some time mutually agreeable to the employee and the supervisor or else charged against the employee's accumulated vacation time. When it is in the best interest of the university, the Director of Human Resources may require or authorize employees to take courses during working hours. In such instances, employees are not required to make up lost work time.
Clerical Skills Practice
Civil Service Employment and Classification offers, by appointment, weekly practice typing sessions, which may be used either to prepare for the civil service examination or for self-improvement. No other skills practice or other practice testing is available.