Faculty Development Projects
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:49 PM
Summer Teaching Improvement Program
Summer Teaching Improvement Program was instituted to provide opportunities for instructional development. Faculty members on continuing appointment are encouraged to submit proposals. During the fall semester all faculty will receive an announcement soliciting proposals and stating the guidelines for doing so. Proposals for courses involving large numbers of students are given priority, as are those involving innovative use of instructional technology. Proposals are reviewed by the Undergraduate Teaching and Curriculum Committee, a standing committee chaired by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Planning), who also receives its final recommendations. The announcements for funding are made before the end of the fall semester. Grants may be awarded for up to two months of salary during the period June 16 through August 15. Faculty are only eligible for an award once every four years.
Mini-Sabbaticals to Aid Instruction
The purpose of the Mini-Sabbatical Program is to enhance the quality of the instructional program at SIUC by augmenting the individual creativity of university faculty members. This might be accomplished by a visit to those institutions recognized as having a successful new program, a different approach to course content, new classroom or laboratory techniques, a restructured curriculum, or success in student retention or services. All full-time faculty members on continuing or permanent tenure appointment are eligible to apply for the awards. The guidelines for submitting proposals are distributed to faculty during the spring and fall semesters.
For additional information regarding the Summer Teaching Improvement Program and the Mini-Sabbaticals to Aid Instruction, consult the office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor.
Faculty Seed Grant Program
Full-time faculty members on continuing appointment may apply for these grants, intended to fund a variety of research, scholarly, and creative activities. The primary goal is to provide "seed" support to enable new faculty, or faculty substantially changing the direction of their research, to develop projects that are highly competitive for external funding.
Proposals are reviewed once a year by multidisciplinary faculty committees. Grants are made for one year. For details, see ospa.siu.edu/funding-opportunity.php.
Matching Funds Program
This program, open to all faculty and staff applying for external grants, considers requests for matching funds for the following: (1 proposals for basic or applied research submitted to competitive federal programs that require a match; and (2) proposals where matching funds would enhance the merit and impact of the proposed project and thus positively influence the agency's funding decision. Preference is given to proposals with some match from the department/college or other unit. See ospa.siu.edu/apply/cost-share.php.
Travel Support Program
Faculty and staff may apply for up to $1,000 for international travel or up to $500 for travel within the continental United States to attend international or national meetings for the purpose of giving presentations; to visit off-campus sites that present unique or one-time research opportunities; or to visit program officers at funding agencies to help secure funding for major projects. Applicants must have matching support from the department, college, or other unit. Preference is given to tenure-track and tenured faculty and to applicants with graduate faculty status. See ospa.siu.edu/apply/categories.php.
Other internal funding opportunities administered by the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research/Office of Research Development and Administration are sometimes available. Check ospa.siu.edu/apply/categories.php for details.