General Description
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:49 PM
Human Resources offers the following retirement-related services:
- group sessions on retirement;
- assistance in processing retirement applications;
- liaison between retirees and the State Universities Retirement System;
- information about retirees to Media and Communications Resources;
- assistance to retirees and spouses with respect to their continued participation in the state's Group Insurance Program.
Additional benefits include:
- access to computing services;
- enrollment for course work (credit, noncredit, audit): on the same basis as active personnel;
- health service: with payment of a fee, use of the Student Health Service for immunization for travel to foreign countries;
- library: use of library facilities (including carrels, on a space-available basis) for retiree and spouses or domestic partners;
- office and laboratory facilities: obtainable on a space-available basis by application to the chair of the appropriate department;
- publications: a mail subscription to the Daily Egyptian at one-half the regular subscription rate;
- campus recreational facilities (including the Recreation Center, at a discounted emeritus rate, and Campus Lake);
- Student Center discount benefits: Emeritus Courtesy ID Cards are available from the ID card office upon request entitling the bearer to a 15% discount on University Bookstore clothing and gift purchases as well as a 10% discount on purchases at the Marketplace Food Court in the Student Center.