[The following was approved on May 23, 1996, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 2 Policies C.]
A change of status for civil service personnel may relate to promotion, reclassification, reallocation, change of salary or account, reassignment, work schedule, change in percent of appointment, placement on leave or return from leave, placement on layoff or return from layoff, change of provisional or temporary status, termination, resignation, and retirement. Any alteration of status must have appropriate administrative approvals.
A reassignment is the movement of an employee from one position to another in the same classification within or between departments. Employees may be reassigned administratively or at the request of the employee. Administrative reassignments between departmental units are subject to the approval of Human Resources. Only status employees with demonstrated acceptable job performance are eligible to request reassignment.[1] An employee's request for reassignment must be submitted to Human Resources in writing. All reassignments are made with no change in salary.
1. Candidates on reassignment registers may be interviewed at the discretion of the hiring unit. Reassignment candidates, if selected, maintain their seniority for the classification and their unused vacation and sick leave but do not serve any additional probation. Employees should give at least 2 weeks notice when relocating on campus.