Drug and Alcohol Use: Standards of Conduct
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
[The following was approved on October 1992, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 2 Policies C.3.i.]
Faculty, staff, and students must adhere to a code of conduct that recognizes that the unlawful manufacture, sale, delivery, unauthorized possession, or use of any illicit drug is prohibited on property owned or controlled by the SIU Board of Trustees or as part of any university activity.
The use, including the sale, delivery, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in or on property owned or controlled by the university or as part of any university activity is strictly prohibited except as otherwise provided in the "Alcoholic Beverages: Regulations" at SIU. Where permitted under these regulations, the use of alcoholic beverages on university premises shall be considered a privilege and may be allowed only if consistent with state laws and university regulations and only when it will not interfere with the decorum and academic atmosphere of the campus.
If an individual associated with the university is apprehended for violation of any drug- or alcohol-related law when on university property or participating in a university activity, the university will cooperate fully with law enforcement and other agencies in administering a corrective or rehabilitative program for the individual. The university also reserves the right to initiate concurrent disciplinary action up to and including, where appropriate, the termination of the individual's association with the university.
This document is one of several university statements on drug and alcohol use by students and employees and on the regulation of alcohol on the university campus. These policies are Drug and Alcohol Use: Standards of Conduct; Drug and Alcohol Use By Employees Performing Safety-Sensitive Work; Drug-Free Workplace; Drugs and Alcohol: Disciplinary Sanctions Relating to Illicit Use; Alcoholic Beverages: Regulations.