The Illinois Board of Higher Education was established by law on August 22, 1961. The 15-member Board, most of whom are appointed by the Governor for 6-year terms, includes at least one board member from a private college/university and one from a public university, as well as the chairs of the Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. The IBHE also includes a student member selected by the Student Advisory Committee. The enabling act of 1961 and its revisions give the Board the responsibilities of analyzing the budget requests of the state institutions of higher learning and making budget recommendations to the governor, the General Assembly, and the appropriate state budget agencies; of approving all new units of instruction (including academic degree programs at off-campus sites), research, and public service undertaken by the state institutions and their governing boards; of reviewing periodically all existing programs of instruction, research, and public service and advising the appropriate governing board if a program is not educationally and economically justified; of establishing minimum admission standards for public colleges and universities; of updating the master plan of higher education; of making any necessary surveys of higher education; of advising and counseling the governor on matters pertaining to higher education; and of making recommendations to the General Assembly for the enactment of necessary legislation.