Civil Service Council Bylaws
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025, 08:49 AM
[Amended November 1, 1989, February 6, 1991, May 20, 1993, June 6, 1994, April 3, 1996, June 27, 1997, September 13, 2001, April 16, 2002, May 29, 2002, February 10, 2003, May 3, 2007, July 11 2010, February 9, 2012, February 19, 2018 and August 7, 2019]
Article I: Purpose
- The Civil Service Council, hereafter referred to as the Council, represents civil service employees of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The Council, as a recognized constituency, is a collective interest group, functioning within the overall governance structure of the university, whose representatives shall advise and consult with the chancellor on a regular basis.
- The Council has the following privileges and responsibilities:
- advisory representation at public meetings of the Board of Trustees;
- advising the chancellor in matters relating to university policies;
- representation and participation on university committees.
- In addition, the Council strives to
- provide a means by which all civil service employees' opinions and recommendations on university matters may be formally expressed;
- promote communications and interaction among civil service employees;
- encourage and provide means for professional development;
- encourage and promote awareness of the regulations governing civil service employees.
Article II: Membership
- This Council shall be composed of members representing and elected from the civil service staff on the Carbondale campus. All civil service employees holding full-time status appointments as defined by the State University Civil Service System are eligible to be members of this Council. "Status Appointment" is a certified candidate to a position under the position control record plan of the system. "Status Employee" is an employee who has successfully completed a probationary period in a class.
- The constituency is subdivided into four (4) sectors consistent with the university administrative structure at the time of the election. These sectors are:
- Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
- General (all other civil service employees who don’t fall within A, B or C above)
The Council shall be composed of one (1) representative for each 75 civil service employee within a sector at the time of election. (38 or more rounds up, 37 or fewer rounds down) or a minimum of four (4) representatives, whichever is greater.
Members shall be elected to a term of three (3) years unless a different term is specified at the time of election. The "Civil Service Council Election Procedures" govern the election.
- No elected member shall be deprived of his/her seat on the basis of reapportionment or if a member transfers from one sector to another. If an individual changes sectors during his/her elected term, he/she shall continue to represent the sector in which he/she was elected for the remainder of that Council year, at which time his/her elected term will be terminated and he/she will be eligible to be a candidate in his/her new sector at the next election.
- The following will be non-voting ex-officio members of the Council (unless the individual is a current Council member):
- SIU Carbondale elected representative to the State University Civil Service Advisory Committee to the Merit Board or his/her designee;
- SIU Carbondale representative to the State Universities Retirement System or his/her designee;
- SIU Carbondale Director of Human Resources or his/her designee;
- two representatives from the SIU Springfield School of Medicine Civil Service Council (Springfield campus);
- immediate Past President, provided the Council term of the immediate Past President has expired at the end of his/her presidency;
- emeritus representative from the State Universities Annuitants Association.
- An incumbent member of the Council shall hold office until his/her successor is duly elected and seated. Newly elected members shall be seated at the first meeting following their election.
- Vacancies
- A vacant seat on the Council shall exist when a member:
- resigns from the Council by official notification in writing;
- terminates university employment;
- changes status from full-time civil service to administrative/professional, faculty, student, or part-time civil service;
- is absent, with or without, a proxy delegation, from four regularly scheduled meetings within any consecutive 12 month period. When a Council member is absent from the second regularly scheduled meeting, a warning letter will be sent reminding the member of the Council Bylaws. Upon the third absence, the member will be required to meet with the full Executive Committee to discuss his/her absences. The full Executive Committee shall have the option of removing the member by majority vote. If the member in question is a member of the Executive Committee this individual will be prohibited from voting. Upon the fourth absence a termination letter will be sent to the Council member and a vacancy shall exist.
- If a member is removed due to excessive absences, as noted in Article II, VII A4, he/she shall be excluded from running for or serving on the council for a period of at least one year from date of removal.
- A member who is absent due to participation in official Council business shall not be counted as absent.
- A vacancy on the Council shall be filled by the candidate having the next highest number of votes from the same sector in the last election, provided that the candidate still meets eligibility requirements.
- If the vacancy is filled from a list of candidates whose name appeared on the official ballot through the filing of an election Statement of Candidacy, the individual will complete the entire vacated term.
- If the vacancy is filled from write-in balloting or appointment, the individual will complete only the remaining portion of the Council year.
- When the list of candidates is exhausted, appointment shall be made from the same sector, by the Council, based on recommendation of the elected representative(s) of that sector.
- A vacancy will be filled at the next regular meeting of the Council.
- A vacant seat on the Council shall exist when a member:
- Council members on seasonal layoff shall remain on the Council and shall attend meetings and carry out all Council duties during the layoff period.
Article III: Officers
The officers of the Council shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers, with the immediate Past President in a voting ex officio status, shall constitute the Executive Committee.
- Election of Officers
- The officers of this Council shall be elected by and from its membership.
- In order to be eligible for the office of President or Vice President a member must have served one (1) year on the Council immediately preceding the current election.
- The term of office shall be no more than three (3) full consecutive elected two (2) year terms in the same office.
- The election of officer positions will be in alternating years. The offices of President and Treasurer will be elected in one year and the offices of Vice President and Secretary in the alternate year.
- The election of offices shall be held at the second regular meeting following the annual election.
- Election of officers requires two-thirds of the Council members to be present, with election determined by majority vote.
- Vacancies shall be filled by a special election by and from the membership of the Council at the next regular meeting except for the presidency, which shall be filled by the Vice President.
- Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting following a properly seconded motion by any member of the Council. Vacancies created by such removal shall be filled according to prescribed procedures. In the event of the removal of the President, the Vice President shall become President. The office of Vice President shall be filled as a vacancy.
- Duties of Officers
- The President shall
- serve as presiding officer of the Council;
- see that the Council properly carries out its duties and purposes;
- report all known activities and matters of concern to the Council;
- be the official civil service representative of the Council to the administration of the university and other appropriate agencies;
- be the Fiscal Officer Delegate of the Council and the Education Assistance Program fund accounts.
- The Vice President shall
- serve as acting President in the absence of or at the request of the President;
- be a member of the Bylaws Committee;
- serve as non-voting ex-officio member on other Council committees as requested by the Council President;
- serve as Parliamentary Advisor (or recommend a designee).
- The Secretary shall
- communicate as directed by the Council;
- be responsible for issuing notice of any regular meeting and written agenda for each meeting at least ten (10) days before the date of the meeting;
- arrange with the Constituencies Office to maintain and distribute official minutes of the Council;
- submit an attendance report to each council member on a monthly basis.
- take roll call at each Council meeting and notify the Council President when a member's absences are deemed excessive as defined in Article II, VII A4;
- be a member of the Public Information Committee.
- The Treasurer shall
- be Fiscal Officer of the Council and the Education Assistance Program;
- maintain the financial records/books and give a financial report at each regular meeting;
- be a member of the Executive/Budget Committee;
- be a member of the Education Assistance Committee.
- The President shall
Article IV: Meetings
- Regular Meetings: The Council shall meet at least once a month. The regular meeting date is the first Wednesday of the month except when a majority votes to suspend or reschedule the subsequent meetings, or when necessity prevails. (See University Handbook for University policy on release time, 6., Civil Service, Universities Activities. )
- Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President alone or upon a written request signed by at least four (4) members of the Council. The President shall, within three (3) days, notify the membership (in writing or by phone or by email) of a special meeting of the Council to consider the matter or matters specified in each request. Such meeting is to take place not later than one (1) week after issuance of the notification.
- Agenda: Agenda items should be submitted to a member of the Executive Committee no later than the third Tuesday of each month. The agenda provides for discussion of items suggested from the floor. However, no substantive (as opposed to procedural) item that has not been placed on the agenda in advance in the manner described in these Bylaws may be voted on at any regular meeting unless two-thirds of the members present approve.
- When a Council member finds it necessary to be absent from a regular or special meeting, the Council member should contact the Secretary or any member of the Executive Committee or the Professional Constituencies Office in advance of the meeting to notify them of his/her absence. Attendance shall be monitored by the Secretary and reviewed by the President.
- Proxy: When a Council member finds it necessary to be absent from a regular or special meeting, the Council member may designate a proxy who shall be a member of the same sector but not a current member of the Council. A member whose absence is excused due to participation in official Council business may still designate a proxy. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, use of a proxy may be considered excused in regards to official absences no more than once in a twelve month period. The notification of designation must be sent to any member of the Executive Committee in advance of the meeting or meetings the proxy will attend. Proxies shall have the same privileges in the meeting as the person for whom they substitute. No person shall hold more than one proxy.
Article V: Committees
- Council Committees
- These shall consist of Bylaws, Civil Service Benefits, Education Assistance, Election, Executive/Budget, Officer Nomination, Public Information, and Range Employees.
- Chairs of Council committees must be members of the Council (except for the Range Employees Committee), unless an exception is passed by two-thirds vote of the Council membership, and shall report at each regular meeting.
- Non-council membership on committees other than Executive/Budget shall be recommended by the committee chair and approved by the Council.
- Council committee members may be removed by the Council for non-performance upon a seconded motion and the vote of the majority of those present.
- Council committees shall be appointed at the July meeting to serve for one (1) year.
- The chair of each committee shall be elected by members of the committee.
- Responsibilities
- The Bylaws Committee shall
- be responsible for knowing the Bylaws and seeing they are followed at every meeting;
- review the Bylaws annually and submit recommended changes to the Council for approval;
- include the Vice President of the Council as a member;
- include the Parliamentary Adviser of the Council (if not the Vice President).
- Civil Service Benefits Committee shall
- review policies and procedures regarding position classifications, salary, performance evaluations, terms and conditions of employment, and other civil service benefits;
- be responsible for review of those materials published either in handbooks or other such compilations affecting the benefits of civil service staff, for the purpose of providing current and accurate information about and to the constituency;
- review other staff benefit issues assigned by the chair.
- The Education Assistance Committee shall
- be responsible for the management of the Education Assistance Program;
- consist of a minimum of seven (7) civil service employees;
- include the Treasurer of the Council as a member.
- The Election Committee shall
- consist of Council members whose terms do not expire that year;
- oversee the election and maintain membership of the Council;
- follow the election procedure guidelines as adopted by the Council. [See "Election Committee: Operating Paper"]
- The Executive Committee shall
- consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the immediate Past President. The members of the committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the President. The President shall make resulting recommendations to the Council;
- meet at least two (2) weeks in advance of each Council meeting and shall prepare the agenda for distribution to the Council members;
- prepare a projected annual budget recommendation for the upcoming fiscal year;
- ensure that any budget expenditure not provided for in the annual budget report receives Council approval prior to the expenditure.
- Officer Nomination Committee shall
- consist of five (5) current members of the Council and/or past members of the Council (within one (1) year);
- be responsible for accepting and/or soliciting nominations for officers of the Council;
- be responsible for notifying the entire Council at least two (2) weeks in advance of the next regular Council meeting, in writing, of the nominations for each office;
- be responsible for preparing the "Official Ballot" to elect the officers of the Council;
- be responsible for the tallying and reporting of the official vote for the officers of the Council. [See "Officer Nomination Committee: Operating Paper"]
- The Public Information Committee shall
- consist of a minimum of six (6) civil service employees;
- include the Secretary as a member;
- through its chair, with the approval of the Council President, work through the various media to disseminate information on the activities of the Council and to publicize the contributions and concerns of the civil service employees of the university.
- The Range Employees Committee shall
- be responsible for matters referred to it by the President of the Civil Service Council affecting Range Employees;
- consider and act on such other employment- and compensation-related matters affecting range employees as may be brought to its attention;
- be responsible for making recommendations to the Chancellor for the distribution of salary increases to civil service range employees;
- consist of all elected members of the Council who are range employees plus other range employees who may be invited by those members of the committee to serve.
[See "Range Employees Committee: Operating Paper"]
- The Bylaws Committee shall
- Constituency, Special and Other Committees
- Appointments or nominations for constituency, special or other committees shall be made by the Executive Committee and are subject to Council approval.
- Full-time status employees may volunteer or be nominated for membership on committees with Council members having preference over non-members. The President has authority to appoint a member to a committee, without Council approval, if insufficient time exists to receive Council approval at a regular meeting. This appointment shall be confirmed by the Council at the next regular meeting.
- Appointees shall provide written reports on committee activities to the Professional Constituencies Office one (1) week prior to each Council meeting.
- Appointees serve at the pleasure of the Council and can be removed for cause upon a seconded motion and the vote of the majority of those present.
Article VI: Quorum and Voting
- Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, a quorum for meetings of the Council and its committees shall be a majority of the respective body's total members. Whenever voting is required, determination shall be by majority vote of the members present at that meeting except as provided in Article III and Article VIII.
- Secret Ballot: Upon the request of any member of the Council at a meeting, the vote upon any matter shall be taken by secret ballot.
Article VII: Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern all deliberations of the Council and Standing and Special Committees when not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Council.
Article VIII: Amendment of Bylaws
- Prior to the Executive Committee's monthly meeting, a proposed amendment shall be presented in writing to the Secretary, who shall send copies to the membership of the Council at least five (5) business days prior to the next regular or special meeting of the Council.
- The proposed amendment shall be read and considered at the regular or special meeting referred to above but shall not be acted upon until the next meeting of the Council.
- Amendments require a two-thirds vote of the Council membership present for adoption.
- Before amendments to these bylaws may become effective, they must be submitted to the Chancellor of SIUC for final approval.