Black Staff and Faculty Council
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 01:18 PM
Article I - Name of Organization
The official name of the organization shall be the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Black Staff and Faculty Council (BSFC).
Article II - Mission
Our mission is to promote a positive community and recognize the role and historical context of persons of African/Black descent. It is deemed necessary to develop this organization to promote shared interests, identity and the pursuit of excellence. As a result, we hereby establish the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Black Staff and Faculty Council (BSFC) for the purposes outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws which manifest our commitment to the wellbeing of the University.
The Council’s goals are to:
- Advocate for the equitable treatment of Black Students, Civil Service and Administrative/Professional Staff, and Faculty
- Identify and assess historical and other barriers which impede the professional advancements and achievements of excellence by the Black Civil Service and Administrative/Professional Staff and Faculty
- Articulate concerns which exist within the ranks of the Black Civil Service and Administrative/Professional Staff and Faculty with respect to employment, to include hiring, working conditions, leadership, advancement and compensation
- Enhance the quality of the institution by improving the overall climate of the institution for Black Civil Service and Administrative/Professional Staff, Faculty and Students
- Identify the impediments to the recruitment, retention, and achievement of excellence by Black Students
- Create a sense of community among Black Civil Service and Administrative/Professional Staff and Faculty through mentoring and networking
- Actively participate in the recruitment and retention of Black Civil Service and Administrative/Professional Staff and Faculty
Article III - Membership Clarifications and Fees
Section 1. Membership
BSFC membership is open to all SIU Carbondale employees, regardless of race, gender, creed, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation, who support the mission and goals of BSFC as outlined in the Bylaws. All SIU Carbondale Staff and Faculty that identify as African descent or origin are regarded as members of the BFSA by default and shall seek to become active members by following the necessary membership protocol as outlined in the constitution.
Section 2. Membership Levels
There shall be three levels of membership: Active, Honorary/Emeritus, Inactive
Active Membership: shall be open to all Staff and Faculty at Southern Illinois University Carbondale that pay annual membership dues. Active members shall have all membership privileges, including the right to vote, hold and terminate office, attend and participate in events, voice their opinions on BSFC matters, and serve on BSFC committees.
Honorary/ Emerita or Emeritus: shall be bestowed upon former employees of the university at the discretion of the members of the Executive Committee. Honorary members will not be eligible to hold office, chair committees, or have voting privileges.
Inactive: All SIU Carbondale Staff and Faculty currently employed with the University that are not current in their annual dues.
Section 3. Membership Dues
Annual membership dues will be set at $20.00. Membership dues will subsidize BSFC activities including social events, professional development workshops and BSFC activities offered to all Staff and Faculty members at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Members will pay $20.00 to the designated Treasurer at the beginning of the (academic year, and will receive a receipt, as well as a bi-annual report on BSFC finances.
Section 3.1 Membership Year
The membership year shall begin at the point of receipt of an approved membership application accompanied by the dues and shall extend for 12 months. The point of receipt of an approved application establishes the anniversary and renewal date for each member.
Section 3.2. Voting Privileges
Voting privileges include but are not limited to changes to bylaws, elections, and membership terminations.
Section 3.3 Special Appointments
Special appointments may be necessary to assist with the handling of important information and service delivery. The Executive Committee shall make these appointments and determine duties to be performed at their discretion.
Article IV - Officers, Officers' Duties and Term Limits
Section 1. Officers
The Officers of the Council shall consist of Co-Presidents (one representative from the Faculty and one from Civil Service/ AP Staff), Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and Parliamentarian.
Section 2. Officers’ Duties
- Co-Presidents: Given the unique history of the BSFC at SIUC, this office shall consist of two active members of the Council who shall represent different components of university The Presidents shall share the role of Chief Executive Officer of the BSFC. In this capacity, they shall serve as spokespersons for the BSFC and as the presiding officers of all BSFC meetings. The Co-Presidents shall chair the Professional Welfare and Development Committee.
- Vice President: The Vice President shall ensure the proper performance of all Executive Committee duties and serve as the official liaison between the committees and the Executive Committee. The Vice President shall also serve as the presiding officer of the BSFC in the absence of the Presidents at any official BSFC Additionally, the Vice President shall respond to any procedural or constitutional issues that may arise within the BSFC. Further, he/she shall understand and convey the information embodied within the most current issue of Robert’s Rules of Order. They will also chair the Political Action Committee.
- Secretary: The Secretary shall be the Chief Records Officer of BSFC. He/she, shall maintain and distribute the minutes of Executive Committee and general membership meetings. He/she shall also distribute any correspondence pertaining to special meetings or events by the BSFC. Additionally, the secretary shall accurately inform members of BSFC about past and present accomplishments. She/he will coordinate emeriti linkage and involvement within the organization. The Secretary shall produce written reports to the Executive Committee and shall jointly oversee the functions of the Membership Committee with the Treasurer.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the BSFC. The Treasurer shall be responsible for deposits and disbursements. All revenue will be held in the designated foundation account. All account transactions must be approved by the executive committee. The Treasurer shall submit a quarterly financial report to the Executive Committee. An annual report will be provided for the general membership.
- The Treasurer shall maintain the roster of all active members and produce written reports to the Executive The Treasurer shall oversee the functions of the Finance committee and jointly oversee the Membership Committee with the Secretary.
- Historian: The primary responsibility of the historian shall be to keep a recorded history of all BSFC events. The historian shall accurately inform members of BSFC about past and present accomplishments. The Historian shall coordinate emeriti linkage and involvement within the organization.
- Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian shall respond to any procedural or constitutional issues that may arise within the BSFC. Further, he/she shall understand and convey the information embodied within the most current issue of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 3. Terms of Office and Elections Procedures
- Officers shall hold office for a two-year term commencing with the elections of officers in
- Officers shall not be elected to another term in the same office or any office for more than two consecutive terms (4 years). In no case shall an officer hold one office for more than two consecutive
- Elections shall be held annually as indicated below:
Even Numbered Years:
- President-Civil Service/AP Staff
- Secretary
- Historian
Odd Numbered Years:
- President-Faculty
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Parliamentarian
Section 4. Resignation and Termination
- Resignations: All resignations by officers of the Executive Committee shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee.
- Removal from Office: A vacant seat on the Executive Committee shall exist when a member is absent from five regularly scheduled meetings within an academic When an Executive Committee member is absent from the third regularly scheduled meeting, a warning letter will be sent reminding the member of the Council Bylaws. Upon the fourth absence, the member will be required to meet with the Full Executive Committee to discuss his/her absences. The full Executive Committee shall have the option of removing the member by majority vote. Upon the fifth absence, a termination letter will be sent to the Executive Committee member and a vacancy shall exist.
Article V - Committees and Duties
Section 1. Standing Committees:
Standing Committees shall be, but are not limited to:
Executive Committee: Governing Body shall uphold and enforce said Articles of the By-Laws and Constitution for the BSFC.
Membership Committee: Shall assist in recruitment, recording, and maintaining information related to membership.
Budget and Finance Committee: Shall maintain financial records, sign checks and develop and coordinate fundraising initiatives to be carried out by members of the BSFC.
Professional Welfare and Development Committee: Shall recommend and implement educational and professional recruitment and retention activities on behalf of the BSFC.
Political and Social Action Committee: Shall plan and coordinate on- and off- campus civic, social and cultural networking opportunities for all BSFC members.
Other Standing or Special Committees: Will be appointed as necessary with guidance from the Executive Committee.
Article VI - Meetings
Section 1. Notification
The official meeting notification shall occur by email to active members. Meetings may also be advertised using one or more of the following methods:
- Campus mail
- Formal Gatherings
- Website
- Yearly Calendar
- Listserv
- Other
Section 2. Meeting Schedule
One meeting will be scheduled each month during the Fall/Springs semesters. One meeting will be scheduled during the summer.
Article VII - Parliamentary Authority
The BSFC shall govern using the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article VIII - Amendments
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those voting at a regular or special meeting with approval of the Chancellor of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The proposed amendments shall be distributed to the membership ten calendar days prior to voting.
Article IX - Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Black Staff and Faculty Council, all assets of this organization shall be donated to on-campus organizations as designated by the majority of the Executive Committee.