Operating Paper of the A/P Staff Council
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025, 08:49 AM
[Amended June 1987, November 1989, April 1990, September 1990, November 1991, April 1993, April 1994, June 1995, April 1996, November 1997, May 1998, May 1999, November 2000, March 2003, June 15, 2006, August 11, 2008, November 23, 2010, and May 15, 2012, December 1, 2014, August 19, 2016.]
- The Administrative/Professional Staff
- Membership
The administrative and professional staff constituency consists of members of the university community on the Carbondale campus who hold an administrative/professional title and do not hold a voting membership in another constituency. - Constituency Meeting
- Frequency. At least two constituency Events/Meetings shall be held annually, at least one each semester.
- Call for Meeting. Meetings of the constituency shall be called by the Council chair with the times and places to be determined by majority vote of the Council. Notification of the meeting shall be distributed to the constituency.
- Quorum. Those members present at an Event/Meeting shall constitute a quorum.
- Agenda. The agenda for a constituency Events/Meeting shall be developed by the Executive Committee or its designee in consort with the Constituency Relations Committee with ratification by the Council.
- Presiding Officer. The Council chair shall preside over the constituency meetings.
- Voting Procedures. Voting on matters brought before the constituency at an Event/Meeting may be by voice vote, standing vote, secret ballot, or ballot mailed either by paper or electronically to the constituency.
- A vote of the constituency at such an Event/Meeting is advisory to the Council.
- Sector Definition
The constituency is subdivided into 8 sectors consistent with the university administrative structure. Primarily, the sectors are designated by college affiliation or the Vice Chancellor area to which units report. Each member of the administrative/professional staff shall be represented by the appropriate sector unless they are a voting member of another constituency. The sectors are as follows:
Sector 1: College of Engineering, College of Applied Sciences & Arts, College of Science, College of Agricultural Sciences
Sector 2: College of Liberal Arts, College of Mass Communications & Media Arts, College of Business
Sector 3: Graduate School, Vice Chancellor for Research, School of Law, School of Medicine
Sector 4: College of Education & Human Services
Sector 5: Office of the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Affairs, SIU System Office, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Sector 6: Provost/Vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, University College, Morris Library, Chief Information Officer
Sector 7: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Sector 8: Intercollegiate Athletics
- Sectors may be changed, added, or deleted by amending this Operating Paper.
- Constituency Voting Rights
All administrative/professional staff members at the time of an election have voting privileges if employed on either a term or continuing appointment, whether said appointment be full-time or part-time.
- Membership
- The Administrative/Professional Staff Council
- Purpose
- The Council represents the administrative/professional staff constituency. The Council, as the official body representing the administrative/professional staff, communicates and supports the views of the constituency on all matters of university governance to the Chancellor, President, and Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University. The Council also encourages the personal and professional growth of the total constituency membership for the betterment of the university.
- The Council shall establish and maintain a Judicial Review Board for the redress of formal grievances.
- Composition
Each of the sectors shall be entitled to one representative to the Council for each fifty (50) or majority fraction of fifty members of its constituency or a minimum of three (3) representatives, whichever is greater. The number of members of each sector's constituents will be determined by January 31 of the current year from the appointment records of the university. The Administrative/Professional Staff Council at the School of Medicine Springfield campus will appoint one member to the Carbondale A/P Staff Council. - Election of Membership
- Eligibility. Any administrative/professional staff member whose employment appointment is for a period of not less than 9 months duration is eligible for election to the Council within the sector appointed.
- Sector Representative Appointment Changes.
- When a sector representative's appointment changes, moving him/her out of the sector elected from, the representative may serve out the current year in the sector elected from, if he/she wishes to continue on the Council. Otherwise, a vacancy shall be declared.
- When a sector representative’s unit is moved from one sector to another due to University restructuring, moving him or her out of the sector elected from, the representative may select one of two options if he/she wishes to continue on the Council:
- Serve out the current term in the sector elected from or
- Move to the new sector. Either option shall subject to approval by the Council, unless the option selected would result in the sector exceeding the number of representatives to which it is entitled, in which case a vacancy shall be declared.
- Term of Membership. The Council members shall be elected for three year terms unless a different term is specified by 2/3 majority vote of the A/P Staff Council in order to adjust sector election schedule(s) due to a change in sector populations or representations. The immediate past chair may remain for an additional year in an advisory capacity. The new Council shall take office at the regularly scheduled meeting in May, which begins the Council year.
- Election Procedures
- Elections shall be held annually as required.
- The Council Secretary shall convene and chair an ad hoc Elections Committee. This committee shall notify the entire constituency of an election and the process for becoming a candidate. This committee shall be made up of the chair, plus one member from each sector.
- Official petitions for election shall be available from the ad hoc Elections Committee.
- Official petitions must be delivered to the Elections Committee chair not less than 2 weeks prior to the date of the election.
- The candidate with the greatest number of votes shall be declared the sector representative. In case of a tie, a run-off election shall be conducted by paper or electronic ballot consistent with current election procedures. No write-in votes shall be permitted during the run-off election.
- Elections of Council members shall be held on the following schedule:
- February: notify the constituency of the election and circulate petitions for nomination;
- March: establish a slate of candidates for each sector and circulate ballots;
- April: the ad hoc Elections Committee shall validate election results and report to the Council.
- Vacancies
- The Administrative/Professional Staff Council shall decide when a vacancy in its membership exists.
- When a vacancy is declared, the remaining member(s) of the sector from which the vacancy occurred shall recommend a replacement to the Council.
- Officers
- The officers of the Council shall consist of a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary.
- Election of Officers
- The Council shall elect its own officers.
- Officers shall be elected for a one-year term of office beginning with the opening of the Council year.
- Officers shall be elected at the first regular Council meeting of the Council year called in May. The election process shall be conducted by the ad hoc Elections Committee.
- Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the new and the continuing Council members.
- Should the office of the chair become vacant, the vice chair shall become the chair for the balance of the term of office. Should the office of the vice chair or secretary become vacant, a member of the Council shall be elected to the vacant office by a majority vote of the Council.
- Duties
- Chair
- The chair shall serve as presiding officer and fiscal officer of the Council and shall preside at all meetings of the constituency. As presiding officer, the chair is official spokesperson, representing the views of both the Administrative/Professional Staff Council and the constituency.
- The chair shall
- serve as a member of the Executive Committee, providing jointly with the Executive Committee recommendations to the Council on matters of concern;
- serve as an ex-officio member of all administrative/professional staff committees;
- guide and direct the Council toward the accomplishment of its objectives and performance of its duties;
- notify members when their seats on the Council are at risk due to excessive absences without proxy (see also II.F.4);
- invite the chancellor to attend at least one Council meeting each year and to address individual committees as appropriate, and shall also invite constituency heads to address the Council on matters of mutual concern;
- review issues of university governance.
- The chair shall represent the Council and constituency, attempting to meet with the chancellor at least once a month and participating in formal constituency head meetings and such other constituency head meetings as may occur from time to time, reporting to the Council on the topics of these meetings and any actions resulting therefrom.
- Vice Chair
- The vice chair shall serve as chair in the absence of, or at the request of, the chair.
- The vice chair shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- Secretary
- The secretary shall keep, file, and distribute official minutes of the Council and shall communicate as directed by the Council.
- The secretary shall keep the members of the Council informed of the Council function and concerns through distribution of material necessary for adequate communications.
- The secretary shall maintain a current listing of the administrative/professional staff and shall transmit copies of the listing as requested by Council committees.
- The secretary shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- The secretary shall monitor attendance of members at Council meetings and notify the chair of any impending decisions regarding vacancies under the terms of II.F.3.
- The secretary shall convene and chair the ad hoc Elections Committee.
- Chair
- Committees
- Executive Committee
- Membership. The chair, vice chair, and secretary shall constitute the Executive Committee. The immediate past chair, if a continuing Council member, may serve as an advisory, non-voting member of the Executive Committee. At the discretion of the chair, the Executive Committee may be expanded to include any member of the Administrative/Professional Staff Council.
- Responsibilities
- The Executive Committee shall develop a proposed agenda for each Council meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall develop an annual budget and present it to the Council for approval at the February meeting of the Council. Upon approval by the Council, the budget request shall be submitted to the chancellor for approval.
- The Executive Committee shall present a financial report for the previous year at the July meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall review the minutes prior to distribution to the A/P constituency.
- The outgoing Executive Committee shall conduct an orientation for all new Council members in May, providing appropriate background information. All new Council members, Executive Committee members, and committee chairs should attend.
- Quorum. The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall consist of two of the three officers.
- Council Approval. All actions of the Executive Committee must be approved by the Council at the next scheduled meeting.
- Administrative Professional Standing Committees
- Defined. The standing committees of the Council include Operating Paper Committee, Committee on Committees, Constituency Relations Committee, Staff Welfare Committee, and Staff Benefits Committee.
- Composition and Selection
- Standing committees shall consist of members of the A/P Staff Council. Each Council member will serve on one or more standing committees.
- Each standing committee should have representation from each sector whenever possible.
- Each Council member shall prioritize committee preference in writing and submit it to the Secretary of the Council. The Executive Committee shall appoint committee members.
- The membership of standing committees shall be approved by the Council at its second regular meeting of the Council year. When a vacancy occurs, the method of replacement shall be by Executive Committee appointment.
- Attendance at standing committee meetings is required unless prior arrangements are made with the standing committee chair. Non attendance/participation may result in removal from the committee. Further action will be determined by the A/P Council.
- Operating Paper Committee
- The Committee shall maintain a current and accurate operating paper which describes the organizational purpose, structure, and processes.
- The Committee shall interpret the operating paper.
- The Committee shall continue to review the operating paper to insure that it remains current.
- The Committee shall formalize proposed revisions to the operating paper.
- Committee on Committees
- The Committee shall publicize constituency involvement on university committees and aggressively seek volunteers willing to serve.
- The Committee shall nominate the members of all administrative/professional staff committees with the exception of the standing committees, subject to ratification of the Council at its next regular meeting.
- The Committee shall recommend administrative/professional staff representatives to university-wide committees subject to ratification by the Council.
- The Committee shall nominate the members of the Judicial Review Board (JRB) subject to approval of the Council at its August meeting.
- The Committee shall prepare a schedule for annual reports to the Council by its appointed representatives to university-wide committees. Constituency representatives may also be asked to report more frequently at the discretion of the Chair.
- Constituency Relations Committee
- The Committee shall conduct at least two general constituency meetings, at least one each semester and shall promote attendance at these meetings.
- The Committee shall plan additional methods for communicating with the constituency and the university community to include, but not limited to, the publication of the minutes.
- The Committee shall develop and implement a constituency feedback mechanism to elicit opinions and concerns from the constituency at large.
- The Committee shall monitor and promote the Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards Program.
- The Committee shall recognize all A/P Staff nominees and award winners after the campus-wide recognition.
- Staff Benefits and Welfare Committee
- The Committee shall review policies and procedures regarding affirmative action, position classifications, salary, performance evaluations, professional development, terms and conditions of employment, and other administrative/professional benefits and welfare issues.
- The Committee shall be responsible for review and approval of those materials published either in handbooks or other such compilations affecting the benefits and welfare of administrative/professional staff, for the purpose of providing current and accurate information about and to the constituency.
- The Committee may initiate and shall review amendments or revisions to the Grievance Procedure.
- A member of this committee shall serve on the Judicial Review Board (JRB) and shall oversee the JRB training process.
- The Committee shall review other staff benefit and welfare issues as assigned by the chair.
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Creation of Ad Hoc Committees. The Council may by majority vote from time to time establish ad hoc committees to examine certain matters and report to the Council. Each ad hoc committee shall be discharged upon completion of its specified task.
- Composition. The membership of an ad hoc committee may include Council members, other constituency members who are not Council members, and other persons whose involvement will facilitate completion of the committee's task.
- Responsibilities. In addition to fulfillment of its designated charge, an ad hoc committee shall communicate regularly with the Council, seek Council advice and guidance, and present a final report and recommendations for Council action.
- Selection of Representatives to University Committees
- Selection of Representatives. Appointments or nominations for University committees shall be screened by the Committee on Committees, subject to Council ratification. Such appointments shall be reviewed annually by the Council.
- Reporting by Representatives. Representatives of the Council to other committees shall report regularly to the Council and seek Council advice and guidance.
- Executive Committee
- Meetings of the Council
- Frequency. The Council shall meet once per month or on a schedule determined by the Council. A special meeting may be called with 48 hours notice by the Executive Committee or by 25 percent of the Council membership.
- Quorum. A quorum is necessary to conduct official business of the Council and shall consist of a majority of the membership, including proxies.
- Attendance
- Proxy. When a Council member finds it necessary to be absent from a regular or special meeting, he/she may designate in writing to the secretary, prior to the call to order of said meeting, a substitute from the administrative/professional staff membership of his/her sector, who shall have the right to vote on any issue. No person shall be allowed to hold more than one proxy.
- Attendance Record. Attendance is expected at all Council meetings in person or via tele/videoconference. Attendance (including absences and proxies) shall be monitored by the Secretary and reviewed by the chair. When a Council member is absent without proxy from 3 regularly scheduled meetings during the period from May to May, the chair shall inform the Council member that the member's absences are excessive. If warranted, the Council shall determine by majority vote whether a vacancy is to be declared.
- Absentee Ballot. On any pre-announced issue, a Council member may file an absentee ballot with the secretary of the Council prior to the time of the scheduled meeting. The ballot must be signed by the absent Council member. Electronic signatures are acceptable.
- Agenda. The Executive Committee shall develop a proposed agenda for each Council meeting. The first two agenda items shall be 1) reading and approval of the minutes, and 2) adoption of the agenda. In order for an item or matter from the constituency membership or other interested parties to be considered by the Council, it must be placed on the agenda through a Council member.
- Minutes. Unapproved minutes of a meeting shall be submitted to the members of the Council at least one week prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- Discussion and Action. Discussion and action shall be limited to pre-announced issues for which the meeting was called. Discussion on unannounced matters not deemed of a critical nature may take place, but action shall be delayed until the next Council meeting. Discussion and action on unannounced matters of a critical nature may be taken with the unanimous vote of the voting members present.
- Executive Session. By majority vote of the Council members present, a meeting may be closed for executive session subject to the provisions of the Meetings of Public Agencies Act.
- Procedural Authority. Council meetings shall be conducted in accord with Robert's Rules of Order.
- Purpose
- Amendments and Revisions
- The Operating Paper of the Administrative/Professional Staff Council shall be initially amended or revised by a majority vote of the Administrative/Professional Staff Council and then by a majority vote of the eligible constituency members voting on the issue.
- Amendments or revisions may be submitted only during regular meetings of the Council, and the Council shall not vote on the proposed amendments or revisions until at least one regular meeting after the meeting at which the amendments or revisions are submitted.
- The constituency shall receive notice of proposed amendments or revisions at least 7 days before a constituency vote is taken.
- Constituency ratification shall be by paper or electronic ballot distributed to all A/P staff.
- Before amendments to this operating paper may become effective, they must be submitted to the Chancellor of SIUC for final approval.