Position Evaluation System
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:49 PM
The university's administrative/professional salary administration policy rests on a systematic method of position evaluation. The primary goal of the Administrative/Professional Position Evaluation System is to establish a salary range for each position which fairly reflects its relative value to the organization. In other words, the intent of position evaluation is to measure the value of a position itself, not the value of the staff member in the position. Position evaluation is accomplished through the application of a measurement process that identifies, analyzes, and measures each position against a standard set of criteria common in varying degrees to all positions.
Position Description Form
Before a position can be evaluated, a Position Description Form (hereafter position description), detailing pertinent information about the content of the position, must be completed. A supervisor will complete the position description for a new position.
Position Description Forms may be obtained from Human Resources. Completed position descriptions should be forwarded to Human Resources through appropriate channels for review and signature. With new positions a Principal Administrative Position Exemption request must accompany the position description. Human Resources is responsible for validating and evaluating each administrative/professional position description. A representative from Human Resources will interview the incumbent employee and/or supervisor(s) if additional information is needed for evaluating the position description. Each position is evaluated in terms of the following factors:
- Know-how measures the specific job requirements for a) practical and technical knowledge, b) comprehension and use of the management process, and c) human relations skills;
- Problem-solving measures the thinking demands of the position as determined by a) the environment in which the thinking takes place, and b) the challenge to thinking presented by the problems to be resolved;
- Accountability measures the impact of the position on results as determined by a) its freedom to act, b) the nature of its impact (direct or indirect), and c) the dollar magnitude of the specific area or element on which its impact is most clear and identifiable.
The Director of Human Resources maintains the responsibility for final review of each position evaluation.
The results of the evaluation, with the number of points assigned to the position and the appropriate salary range, will be communicated to the appropriate administrative officer who is responsible for communicating the results of the evaluation to the incumbent employee. A record of all evaluations, with a file of the position descriptions used to make them, is maintained by Human Resources.
If any responsibilities of the position were omitted from the original description, the administrative officer or the incumbent employee has 30 days following receipt of the evaluation to submit a revised position description to Human Resources.
In cases where no new responsibilities or additional information can be provided as a basis for reconsidering the evaluation by Human Resources, an administrative officer or an incumbent employee may request a panel of peers to review the position description.
Periodic Reviews and Reevaluations
The incumbent employee or any official in the position's supervisory chain may initiate a request for a reevaluation whenever a position has changed significantly. In addition, to ensure the accuracy and currency of position descriptions, Human Resources initiates reviews of all position descriptions by periodically requesting departments, in writing, to review particular position descriptions. Copies of these requests are sent to the appropriate vice chancellors or, in certain instances, to the chancellor.
If the position description is determined to be current, the certification section on the first page of the position description will be approved by the incumbent (if any), the supervisor, and the appropriate vice chancellor or chancellor. If significant changes have occurred in the position, the position description should be updated. Changes might include the addition or removal of a major or several minor responsibilities or a major shift in the emphasis of the position. The employee and supervisor, working together, should in such cases revise the position description. Final determination about position definition rests with the supervisor. If the position is vacant, the update will be the responsibility of the immediate supervisor.
The revised position description, or a signed certification that the position description on file is current, must be submitted to Human Resources not later than two months following the date requested. Revised position descriptions will be reevaluated, and results of such reevaluations will be communicated to the appropriate administrative officer.
Peer Review Committee
The Peer Review Committee is composed of 7 administrative/professional staff members with a minimum of one member each from the vice-chancellor areas and the chancellor's responsibility area. No more than 2 members from any single responsibility area may serve simultaneously. The 7 members shall be appointed by the chancellor from recommendations made by the Administrative/Professional Staff Council. In making these recommendations, the Council shall consider the following:
- representational balance in terms of such factors as race, sex, and level of responsibility;
- candidate knowledge of university organization and operation.
Terms of appointment to the committee shall be 5 years. Appointments to expiring terms shall be effective August 1 of each year.
The Peer Review Committee processes appeals of position evaluations, submitted by employees and/or department heads, and serves in an advisory capacity to Human Resources. Appeals are submitted to Human Resources, which then convenes the Peer Review Committee. The committee's responsibilities include
- undergoing training in the evaluation of administrative/professional position descriptions;
- hearing and making decisions on appeals of the position evaluation determinations made by Human Resources;
- advising Human Resources on issues relating to position evaluation and communicating the concerns of the administrative/professional staff on matters related to that subject.