Compensation Plan for Administrative/ Professional Staff
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
Administrative/Professional positions at Southern Illinois University Carbondale fall into one of three categories: non-research positions subject to job content evaluation, non-research positions exempt from job content evaluation, and research positions. The category will determine which compensation guidelines apply to the position.
Non-research Administrative/Professional Positions Subject to Job Content
Most Administrative/Professional positions are subject to job content evaluation. Positions in this category are reviewed every three years (section II, A, 3) and evaluated in order to determine the appropriate salary range for the position. Salary determinations for positions in this category are determined in accordance with the provisions of the following approved compensation plan.
[The following was approved on May 23, 1996, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 2 Policies C. Amended March 1, 2002 and August 9, 2007]
- Compensation Plan Objectives
- To provide a salary plan both internally equitable and externally competitive;
- To provide a comprehensive compensation plan for AP employees;
- To delineate AP compensation plan administration responsibilities and define guidelines;
- To provide flexible and consistent administration of the salary program.
- Administrative Procedures
- Position Evaluations
- New positions. Evaluation of a new position and determination of its salary range must precede salary negotiations. For this purpose, a position description and a Principal Administrataive Position Exemption form are submitted to Human Resources.
- Existing positions. The salary range for each position is based on points assigned through job evaluation, although some flexibility is allowed in responding to market conditions as indicated by salary data. A request to increase the salary range level for a position may be initiated by the employee through the employing unit, the Vice Chancellor, equivalent officer, or Human Resources.
- Human Resources will review requests for assignment to a higher salary range to ensure that the justification meets the required standards.
- If the market condition leading to the assignment of a higher salary range level ceases to be in effect, the salary range may be adjusted downward. No adjustment will be made to the top of the salary range that precludes incumbent employees from receiving regular salary increases. However, as turnover permits, (See 4b below) the salary range maximum will be adjusted downward.
- Verification of Position Description. While position descriptions may be updated at any time, they must be verified or updated every three years. The verification can be initiated by the incumbent employee or any official in the position's supervisory chain or by Human Resources. Any additional duties that have been assigned to the position that are considered necessary or significant should be listed on the revised position description. Any duties that are not on-going responsibilities may be considered "other duties as assigned" and need not be listed on the position description.
- Reevaluation of Position Description. When a position has changed significantly, its position description should be revised and submitted through appropriate administrative channels to Human Resources for review. The request for a reevaluation can be initiated by the incumbent employee or any official in the position's supervisory chain or by Human Resources.
- Reevaluation of a position to a higher job content level which also results in a higher salary range constitutes a promotion, and the incumbent should receive a salary increase in accordance with the policy in section II.B.3.e, "Promotions."
- If a position is reevaluated to a lower job content level which also results in a lower salary range, the new salary will not become effective until the current employee vacates the position.
- If a position reevaluation changes the number of points, but remains within the range associated with the position, no salary change will take place.
- Appeal of Evaluation of Position Description. If there is an inability to reach a final agreement about the results of a position description evaluation conducted by Human Resources, the employee or any official in the position's supervisory chain may submit a written request for a review by the Peer Review Committee.
- Salary Determinations
- Salary Range Determination.
- Salary ranges are determined on the basis of a) comparative job content, for internal equity, and b) compensation levels of like employees in other organizations, for external competitiveness. The integrity of salary ranges based on position classifications should be maintained annually.
- At the time of salary increases, the salary range structure may be adjusted to reflect national trends in compensation in the relevant competitive salary market(s).
- Following redefinition of the salary range midpoints, the minimum and maximum of each range will be recalculated using a +/- 20% spread for the adjusted midpoint.
- Where relevant external salary data for comparable positions indicates that the salary range for a particular position is too low, the salary range for the position will be assigned to a higher salary range that can be justified on the basis of the market data.
Data used to justify a higher salary range level must meet certain standards:
- The data should represent the entire comparable market in a comprehensive rather than selective fashion.
- Salary data must be compiled by the managing department or the managing department's designated appointee for such matters utilizing relevant professional sources for salary data.
- Only data for positions with comparable responsibilities and qualifications may be used.
- The comparison data must include a sufficient number of positions to minimize the influence of factors such as individual performance, longevity, etc.
- Where appropriate, the data should come from educational institutions with similar characteristics to SIUC and from institutions of size and complexity comparable to SIUC.
- Where appropriate, the data should come from organizations in SIUC geographic region.
- Entrance Salaries. New employees must meet at least the minimum qualifications for a position and will be paid at least the minimum rate of the applicable salary range. The hiring official may make a salary offer at any rate between the minimum and the maximum of the salary range depending on the candidate's qualifications, the current market value of the position as indicated by relevant salary survey data, and the funds available.
- Raises. The following considerations may be used for salary increases for an employee: across the board increase, merit raise, market-based adjustment, and/or within range salary adjustment.
- Across the Board Increase: Across the board increase is a salary increase element used to increase the level of compensation for administrative/professional staff members for satisfactory performance.
- Merit Raise: In the event that merit is a component in the distribution of salary increases, merit increases will only be awarded for highly effective or exceptional performance of duties and responsibilities in accordance with the approved performance evaluation tool for administrative/professional staff. The appropriate administrative officer will initiate requests for merit increases as part of the university-wide salary increase process. A specified percentage of the funds appropriated/reallocated for salary increases will be reserved to award merit. A merit raise will be a direct result of the outcome of the employee's performance evaluation tool.
- Market-based Adjustment Raise: Following a position review, a market adjustment can be used to raise the level of compensation for an employee whose salary is demonstrably lower than the average salary of like employees in the marketplace. The Vice Chancellor, or equivalent officer, for that area will make the final determination in consultation with Human Resources. Market data must be supplied by the managing department, for comparable positions. Data for market-based adjustments should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines in section II.B.1.d.i-vi, "Salary Range Determination."
- Within Range Salary Adjustment: A within range salary adjustment may be used to raise the level of pay for employees who have attained additional applicable educational credentials, sustained exemplary job performance, or who have increased job responsibilities that do not warrant reevaluation of the position to a higher job content level. The Vice Chancellor or equivalent officer for that area will make the final determination in consultation with Human Resources.
- Promotions: A promotion is a change of assignment from a position in a particular job content level and salary range to a position in a higher job content level which also results in a higher salary range. A promotion should be accompanied by an increase to provide not less than the salary which would be paid to an equivalent employee hired from outside the university. The new salary must be within the range for the new position, with 5% as the minimum promotional increase under normal conditions.
- Lateral Changes of Assignment: If an employee moves from a position in one job content level and salary range to another position in the same job content level and salary range, the employee's salary must be within the range for the new position, and should not be less than the salary that would be paid to an equivalent employee hired from outside the university.
- Change of Assignment: If an employee in a particular job content level and salary range accepts a position in a lower range at his/her own initiative, the employee's salary must be within the range for the new position, and should not be less than the salary that would be paid to an equivalent employee hired from outside the university.
If an employee is assigned to a position in a lower job content level and salary range at the university's convenience for reasons other than demonstrated performance failure that has been documented, the employee's salary at the time of the reassignment will be preserved.
If an employee is assigned to a position in a lower job content level and salary range because of documented performance failure, the change of assignment will be made without a change in salary unless the employee's salary exceeds the new range maximum. The employee's salary may not be above the top of the range for the new position. The employee will be eligible for scheduled salary increases as the range is adjusted upward and increases become possible.
- Withholding Salary Increases. A unit administrator may recommend that a salary increase be withheld from an employee whose performance has been documented as unsatisfactory or marginal as demonstrated on the A/P performance evaluation tool. A copy of the employee's evaluation, citing the employee performance as unsatisfactory or marginal and a letter of justification must be submitted by the supervisor through the appropriate Vice Chancellor or equivalent officer. The employee must be notified in writing of the reasons for withholding the increase.
Supervisors may recommend that a salary increase be withheld from an employee who is recently hired for a position. - Commitment to Excellence Awards. One time monetary and/or recognition awards for excellence -- that do not add to the base salary -- may be awarded to A/P employees according to the award guidelines.
Exceptions to the provisions of the Compensation Plan outlined above must be approved by the chancellor. The administrative officer requesting the exception should provide the reasons for the exception in writing, and these should become a part of the employee's permanent record.
Note: These policies apply to non-research administrative/professional personnel at the SIU Carbondale campus only. Carbondale and Springfield Medical School personnel are covered by a separate policy. The current year's Administrative/Professional Salary Plan, showing the various salary levels and their respective ranges and midpoints, can be obtained from Human Resources.
Non-research Administrative/Professional Positions Exempt from Job Content
Not all non-research Administrative/Professional positions are subject to job content evaluations. Some positions are exempt due to the nature of the responsibilities inherent in the position and the administrative hierarchy. Salary determinations for these positions are based on relevant market data. Salaries for these positions require a minimum of two levels of administrative approval. The following positions are exempt from job content evaluation:
- Chancellor and Vice Chancellors
- Academic administrative positions requiring faculty rank, e.g., Dean, Department Chair, Associate Dean, Director of Library Services, and Associate Provost, etc.
- Administrative and professional staff reporting directly to the Chancellor or a Vice Chancellor, with the title of Executive Assistant to the Chancellor, Executive Director, Director or Associate Vice Chancellor, whose salaries and salary increases are subject to the approval of the President
- Physicians, including Medical Chief of Staff and Staff Psychiatrist
- Coaches and Assistant Coaches
- Counseling Interns
Research Positions
Research positions are also exempt from job content evaluation. This category includes positions such as Researcher I, Researcher II, Researcher III, Assistant Scientist, Associate Scientist, and Senior Scientist. Research Project Directors are also exempt from job content evaluation. Salary determinations for positions in this category are determined in accordance with the provisions of the following approved compensation plan.
[The following was approved on May 23, 1996, and ammended on March 01, 2002 and August 9, 2007 in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 2 Policies C.]
- A researcher position will be classified by the department head according to the position's responsibilities and education/experience requirements.
- The classification of the new researcher position is subject to the review and approval of the appropriate dean and Associate Provost for Academic Administration or designee.[1]
- At the beginning of each fiscal year, researcher positions will be reviewed by department heads, in consultation with supervisors and appropriate deans, to determine:
- the appropriateness of the classification of each position with respect to the duties performed, and
- the qualifications (education and experience) of the incumbent with respect to eligibility for promotion.
- At the time a position is reclassified, an appropriate salary increase, funded by the department, will be granted. Under normal circumstances, the new salary must be at least as much as the minimum for the new classification, with 5% as the minimum promotional increase. This increase will not affect any annual salary increases for which the employee may be eligible.
- Merit Raise: In the event that merit is a component in the distribution of salary increases, merit increasers will only be awarded for highly effective or exceptional performance of duties and responsibilities in accordance with the approved performance evaluation tool for research positions. The appropriate administrative officer will initiate requests for merit increases as part of the university-wide salary increase process. A specified percentage of the funds appropriated/reallocated for salary increases will be reserved to award merit. A merit raise will be a direct result of the outcome of the employee's performance evaluation tool.
- When the source of funds supporting an employee's position changes (change of account), the employee's salary will remain the same. However, when an employee applies for and is selected to fill an open position following a search, this change will be treated as any new appointment.
- Salary Range Determination.
- Position Evaluations
[1] A completed Researcher Classification Worksheet and job description must be submitted with each request for a new position.
[2]A new position description, a letter recommending reclassification of the position, and a completed Researcher Classification Worksheet