Adjunct Faculty Appointments
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
[The following was approved on May 23, 1996, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 2 Policies C.]
The title and payroll classification of adjunct preceding the academic rank (instructor through professor) shall be assigned a professional person engaged in instructional and research programs of the university but who is not employed as a member of any educational unit of the university. The following stipulations would apply to the use of this title:
- The possessor of the title shall hold an earned doctor's degree or an appropriate combination of training and experience for the particular title.
- The adjunct faculty member shall be engaged in work closely related to or a part of the programs of the educational units of the university, such as cooperative research projects, part-time instruction, or consultative service to one or more of the university's departments.
- The adjunct faculty member shall have such faculty privileges as the use of the library and participation in faculty social activities. He or she may attend open faculty meetings or committee meetings but may not be a voting member of the university faculty itself, except by special vote of the faculty. The role of adjunct faculty in a particular educational unit will be determined by the faculty of that unit.
- In the case of non-university employees, a salary may be provided when the individual is performing a direct service for an educational unit of the university. University employees holding the rank of adjunct (instructor through professor) shall receive their salary from some entity other than an educational unit of the university.
Adjunct appointments must be on a term basis only and do not lead to academic tenure. A statement from the department chair outlining the nature of the affiliation with the educational unit should accompany the appointment documentation.