Conversion of Term
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
[The following was approved on May 5, 1995, with amendments on March 12, 2002 and November 17, 2010, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 2Policies B.]
Upon completion of three consecutive one-year term contracts, the administrative/professional employee must be recommended by his/her immediate supervisor for conversion to a continuing appointment contract if the following four criteria have been met:
- the staff member has been employed in the same position for three or more consecutive contract years at 50 percent time or more;
- the individual has performed satisfactorily in the position, as indicated by a current performance evaluation on file in Human Resources;
- a continued need exists for the position beyond the third year;
- recurring dollars are available to convert a term administrative/professional employee to a continuing appointment.
Funds are designated as recurring if there is a reasonable expectation or likelihood that appropriations will be continued in the next year and the department/program, by its purpose and design, will be operated continuously to ensure maximum effectiveness. By contrast, non-recurring dollars are allocated funds that do not constitute a continuing commitment. Funds are allocated on a non-recurring basis if the funds or program activity are not expected to continue in subsequent years.*
This recommendation is subject to the approval of the appropriate fiscal officer, dean or director, vice chancellor or comparable officer, and the Chancellor.
Conversions will be effective in the fiscal year following the end of the third year. Nothing contained in this policy shall preclude an administrative/professional employee who has been on term appointment for less than three years from being converted to a continuing appointment upon the recommendation of the supervisor and other appropriate approvals.
Human Resources will provide written notification to the supervisor and the employee when an a/p employee, under term contract, is approaching the three-year limit. This written notification will include a requirement for the supervisor to initiate a change of assignment to convert the employee to a continuing contract or to notify Human Resources and the employee in writing that conversion to a continuing contract is not recommended. If conversion is not recommended, the supervisor must specify in the written notice which criteria (1 through 4, above) have not been met. If non-recurring dollars is cited as the sole criteria for non-conversion, specific supporting documentation as to why non-conversion is recommended must be provided to the respective Vice Chancellor for approval, with a copy to the administrative /professional employee, within 30 days of the written notification. If approved, the Vice Chancellor will forward the documentation to Human Resources.
Human Resources will provide written notification as outlined above to the supervisor and a/p employee in each subsequent year that a consecutive three or more-year term contract is not converted to a continuing appointment.