Compensation Policy for Range Employees
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
[The following was approved on May 30, 1999, with amendments approved by Chancellor Wendler on November 1, 2006 and Chancellor Austin Lane on August 30, 2022.]
Entrance Salary
- The Director of Human Resources or their designee should set the incoming employee’s salary at the minimum base salary of the classification. Employees possessing excess qualifications within the job description may be given up to 2% per year to a maximum of 10% above the minimum of the salary range upon the recommendation of Human Resources and agreement of the hiring department. This salary shall be within the salary range of the classification and may not exceed the highest paid employee in the classification.
- Human Resources will evaluate the employment record and salary history of former employees returning to a classification in which previously employed after a break in service of less than 6 months. Based on this evaluation, a determination as to proper entrance salary will be made. In most instances, this will mean being restored at the former rate of pay. It may or may not include increases which others may have received during the break in service. Employees with more than 6 months break in service and those employed in a class other than in which formerly employed will be hired in the same manner as other external candidates.
- Classifications that fall under the State Universities Civil Service System as Custom Classifications will be evaluated by a job content evaluation.
Promotional Increase
- When an employee receives a promotion, the Director of Human Resources or their designee should set the incoming employee’s salary at the minimum base pay but has the authority to set the salary of the newest employee no greater than that of the highest paid employee in the classification.
- If the employee has excess qualifications, an additional amount up to a maximum of 10% above the new base, computed in the same manner and with the same guidelines as new hires, may be granted. Salary above the recommendation of the Director of Human Resources or their designee is subject to approval by the Chancellor (or their designee).III. When an employee's salary is above the new base, the promotional increase will be up to 10% of the employee's current salary.
Requests for salary levels outside of these guidelines are subject to approval by the Chancellor or designee.
Within Classification Salary Adjustments
A within classification salary adjustment may be used to recognize exceptional performance, increased responsibility, or change in education and/or experience requirements related to the position. An adjustment may also occur when there has been a significant change in responsibilities, but upon evaluation, it is determined that the changes do not warrant a reclassification or reallocation of the position. Justification for a within classification salary adjustment of up to 7% must be submitted, in writing, through administrative channels to the appropriate Vice Chancellor or equivalent. Any request must have at least two levels of administrative approval. No employee will be eligible for more than one within classification salary adjustment per fiscal year or for an amount over than allowed by policy, except in unusual circumstances with clearly-demonstrated justification. All requests for a within classification salary adjustment must include a copy of the employee's performance evaluation and position description, dated within the preceding twelve months.