Compensation Policy and Internal Consulting
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
[The following was approved on May 23, 1996, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 2 Policies C.]
- General Guidelines and Limitations
- Authorization and Approvals
University personnel holding faculty, administrative/professional, civil service, or graduate assistant appointment who wish to engage in activities for which extra compensation is allowed first must obtain the approval of their supervisor or chair and the appropriate academic dean (or the unit vice chancellor if non-academic). This policy applies only to those persons who are on appointment at SIUC during the period for which extra compensation is requested and services are performed. - Annual Maximum
The total amount of extra compensation which one can earn in a fiscal year from all activities (instructional and internal consulting) shall not exceed 20% of an employee's equated annual salary (monthly salary x 12). For purposes of this policy, the fiscal year begins July 1. - Waivers
A university employee may waive all or part of available extra compensation. - Payment Schedule
The first installment or lump sum payment date is not to precede the beginning of services.
- Authorization and Approvals
- Compensation for Credit Activities
- On-Campus Credit Courses
University employees teaching credit courses within the designated university attendance center at Carbondale, Illinois, are not eligible to receive additional compensation for these activities. The boundaries of the designated university attendance center are defined as the city limits of Carbondale, the CTC campus near Carterville, the University Farms at Carbondale, Southern Illinois Airport, and the Touch of Nature facility south of Carbondale. - Off-Campus Credit Courses
An instructor who teaches a credit course beyond the designated university attendance area at Carbondale, Illinois, may receive an extra compensation allowance. Payment is based on the number of credit hours per course and is computed as a percentage of the monthly salary plus a one-way mileage factor. The following chart sets forth the multipliers used in computing extra compensation:Credit Compensation
Credit Hours Rate Times Monthly Salary Rate Per Mile 1 .0833 $.666 2 .1666 $1.333 3 .25 $2.00 4 .3333 $2.666 5 .4166 $3.333 6 .5 $4.00 Instructional staff must have concurrent responsibilities at different locations to be eligible for continuing education compensation. For instructional staff whose regular teaching location is other than Carbondale, Illinois, that place of employment is used as the basis for computing extra compensation.
Minimum compensation for 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-hour courses is $250, $500, $750, and $1,000, respectively. The maximum compensation allowance for any one course may not exceed the following percentage of that instructor's monthly salary:
1 Sem. Hour = 16 2/3% of monthly salary
2 Sem. Hour = 33 1/3% of monthly salary
3 Sem. Hour = 50% of monthly salary
4 Sem. Hour = 66 2/3% of monthly salary
5 Sem. Hour = 83 1/3% of monthly salary
6 Sem. Hour = 100% of monthly salaryInstructional staff teaching more than one course at the same location per trip will receive a) full allowance for the course carrying the greatest number of credit hours and b) the monthly salary factor for additional courses. Mileage is not paid for the second or additional courses.
Example: An instructor with a monthly salary of $2,800 who teaches a 3-hour course and a 1-hour course, back-to-back, 100 miles from campus will be paid $900 for the 3-hour course and $233 for the 1-hour course for a total of $1,133.
Instructional staff teaching courses at 2 or more off-campus locations per trip will receive a) full allowance for the course farthest from the campus and b) the monthly salary factor for additional courses. Mileage is not paid for the second or additional courses.
Example: An instructor with a monthly salary of $2,800 who teaches one 3-hour course 75 miles from campus at 4:00 P.M. on Tuesdays and another 3-hour course 50 miles from campus at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesdays (one trip) will be paid $850 and $700 for a total of $1,550.
- Travel/Study Program
Faculty members who organize and conduct travel/study groups are eligible for university compensation. Travel/study awards require the approval of the SIUC Travel/Study Committee in addition to all regular approvals. Faculty compensation under a Travel/Study award is treated as a summer appointment and will not reduce the faculty member's eligibility for extra compensation in other Continuing Education activities. This compensation is based upon the duration of the program and a percentage of the instructor's monthly salary as per the following schedule: -
One Week = 25% of monthly salary
Two Weeks = 50% of monthly salary
Three Weeks = 75% of monthly salary
Four Weeks = 100% of monthly salary
Five Weeks or More -- Negotiable - International Contractual Programs
Extra compensation for international programs may be negotiated based on funding agency requirements and applicable university policies. - Compensation for Credit-Free Activities
Extra compensation for SIUC instructional staff participating in credit-free instructional activities is based upon instructional contact hours. The duties and responsibilities for which extra compensation is requested must be over and above those associated with the individual's regular university assignment. Compensation is determined by the type of activity and is subject to the income from that activity and will normally be at the rate of 1.5% of one month's salary for each instructional contact hour. Compensation above the normal rate requires prior approval by the Director of Continuing Education and is subject to the income available from that activity. In no case may the rate of extra compensation for credit-free instructional activities exceed $150 per contact hour, nor $1200 per day. - Compensation for Individualized Learning Activities
The Division of Continuing Education's "Instructional Agreement for Individualized Learning Course," approved on July 10, 1981, governs compensation for credit and credit-free instruction provided in a non-traditional format. - Compensation for Consulting Activities
Approval for consulting activities on the part of university employees is subject to the determination of the benefit to the individuals and to the university. The principal criteria which must be met to qualify such activities for extra compensation are as follows:- The activity may not compromise the university or conflict with other activities being carried out by the university.
- The activity must contribute to the professional development of the employee.
- The work performed may not interfere with complete fulfillment of normal university duties and responsibilities of the employee.
- The funding for on-campus consulting or consulting at an off-campus attendance center of the university is obtained through a budgeted line in an externally funded research or grant account or externally funded training account. Funds obtained through the Board of Higher Education allocation cannot be used.
- The compensation rate for on-campus consulting or consulting at an off-campus attendance center of the university does not exceed the normal salary rate of the individual. Example: An employee with a 100% appointment and a monthly salary of $3,000 can earn $137.93 per day.
$3,000 divided by 21.75 = $137.93 (daily rate) - The services cannot exceed an average of one day per week during the individual's normal appointment period (includes non-credit activities). Example: An employee with a 100% appointment and a monthly salary of $3,000 for consulting during a 4-week month.
$3,000 + (4 x 137.93) = $3,551.72 (Total Salary) - The principal investigator should include, in the narrative of the proposal, a statement covering the following points: a) the name of each internal consultant; b) the expertise needed for the project; and c) a justification for that need. If, for some reason, an internal consultant cannot be identified in the proposal or if, subsequent to the approval of the proposal, a substitute internal consultant must be made, the supervisor or chair and the appropriate academic dean (or unit vice chancellor if non-academic) must verify that any person named possesses the expertise for the project and must approve the appointment of the person eventually named as internal consultant.
- The principal investigator/project manager cannot be compensated for consulting services associated with his or her own project.
- Consulting activities by employees not specifically defined in this policy shall be covered by the provisions of the policy on Conflict of Interest.
- Travel Expense Reimbursement
Approved travel expenses are reimbursed in accordance with SIUC travel policies. These expenses are not included in the maximum allowable compensation for continuing education activities in any fiscal year.
- On-Campus Credit Courses