Alcohol/Drug Abuse
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
I. Introduction
Southern Illinois University Carbondale expects a standard of conduct regarding student safety and self-welfare. The University expects students to have a concern for their own safety, and the welfare of the university community. Alcohol/Drug Abuse constitutes a violation of the University’s expectations regarding student safety.
A student will be subject to a mandated assessment in the event that the Wellness Center is presented with a credible report that a student
- has been treated for alcohol/drug related injuries; or
- has engaged in behavior that disrupted the university community while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; or
- has engaged in acts of violence against others while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; or
- has been found passed out or disoriented in a public forum due to alcohol or drug usage.
The student will be required to participate in three sessions of mandated assessment provided by Wellness Center staff employed by the SIUC Student Health Center. The purpose of this assessment is to provide a comprehensive and in-depth inquiry of the precipitating incident, assess current usage of alcohol & drugs, and create an action plan for decreasing alcohol/drug usage. The assessment will also provide the student with resources to adhere to this standard of safety in the future and to monitor the student's willingness and ability to adhere to this standard.
II. Referral of Students to the Wellness Center
- SIUC employees who observe or become aware of a student who has been treated for alcohol related injuries, has engaged in behavior that disrupted the university community while under the influence of alcohol/drugs, has engaged in acts of violence against others while under the influence of alcohol/drugs, or has been found passed out or disoriented in a public forum due to alcohol/drug usage have an ethical obligation to complete an Alcohol/Drug Abuse Report located on the Student Health Center website, The Alcohol/Drug Abuse Report will be given to the Wellness Center and the Student Judicial Affairs office.
- A staff member of the Wellness Center will make contact with the student within 24 hours of receiving a credible Alcohol/Drug Abuse Report and schedule the first appointment within 48 hours from the time of contact with the student. If the student is not reached within 24 hours, a certified letter will be mailed to the student. The letter will state that the student has 24 hours from the receipt of the certified letter to make and keep the first appointment. Failure to do so will result in additional reports to the Student Judicial Affairs office.
III. Mandated Assessment
- The first assessment session must take place within 48 hours of the student contacting the Wellness Center.
- The remaining two mandated assessment appointments will ideally occur at weekly intervals.
- The three assessment sessions will provide a comprehensive and in-depth inquiry of the precipitating incident, prior alcohol & drug usage, and current alcohol & drug usage. The assessment will also provide the student with resources to adhere to the standard of safety in the future and to monitor the student’s willingness and ability to adhere to this standard.
- Students have the option to seek continuing counseling after the mandated assessment requirement has been met.
IV. Noncompliance with Mandated Assessment
- The Wellness Center Alcohol/Drug Coordinator will contact the Student Judicial Affairs office in the event that a student does not comply with the Alcohol/Drug Abuse Policy and Procedures for Mandated Assessment.
- The Office of Student Judicial Affairs will contact the student informing the student that they have not complied with the mandated assessment and will risk disciplinary action if they do not make and keep the mandated assessment appointment within 24 hours from personal contact by the Office of Student Judicial Affairs.
- Failure to adhere to this standard of safety or failure to fulfill the requirements of the assessment outlined in this policy may result in disciplinary action determined by the Office of Student Judicial Affairs.
V. Appeals
- A student may appeal the accuracy of the Alcohol/Drug Abuse Report. In some instances, in order for the appeal to go forward, a student may be required to sign a release of information authorizing the Wellness Center staff to contact and interview witnesses to the incident.
- The policy of three sessions of assessment is applied uniformly to all students who cross the threshold of safety described above. The requirement of three assessment sessions is not subject to appeal.
- If a student disagrees with other aspects of the policy, such as whether the events in question cross the threshold of what constitutes alcohol/drug abuse, the student can appeal the decision to Office of Student Judicial Affairs.
VI. Confidentiality
- All records associated with the mandated assessment are protected by state laws regarding confidentiality.
VII. Amendments to Alcohol/Drug: Policy and Procedure for Mandated Assessment
- Upon recommendation of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Wellness Center staff, or Student Judicial Affairs staff amendments to this document will be considered by a committee composed of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or designee, director of Student Health Center, director of the Counseling Center, Wellness Center Alcohol/Drug Coordinator, director of Student Housing, director of Student Judicial Affairs, and a representative from University Legal Counsel.
- All proposed amendments must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the Chancellor.
- Amendments will take effect immediately upon approval by the Chancellor but will apply only to new cases and not to cases under review at the time of the amendment.
VIII. Annual Reporting
- The number and disposition of all cases reviewed by the Wellness Center staff during an academic year will be reported annually to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or designee by the Alcohol/Drug Coordinator of the Wellness Center.