Student Constituencies and Student Organizations
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:07 PM
[The following was approved on January 31, 1995, with amendments on June 4, 1998 and August 20, 2013, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 3 Policies F.]
I. Registered Student Organizations
- Criteria for Registration
- Organizational Membership Requirements
- Any group of students desiring to be registered should have a sufficient number of members to provide for a viable organization; therefore, it is necessary to have a minimum number of 10 students support the "Petition for Registration as a Student Organization".
- In accordance with Policies 3, F of the SIU Board of Trustees,
- Student constituency bodies shall be responsible for reviewing and recommending disposition of requests for registration of student organizations;
- Registered Student Organizations are authorized to represent student groups in their interactions with the student constituency bodies;
- Organized student groups must be registered in order to receive allocations of funds generated by student activity fees recommended by the student constituency bodies;
- No Registered Student Organization shall be authorized unless it adheres to all appropriate federal or state laws concerning nondiscrimination and equal opportunity;
- Active membership in Registered Student Organizations shall be limited to students officially affiliated with the University and to the spouses and dependents of such students.
- In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, membership requirements for student organizations must be the same for men and women with the exception of social fraternities and sororities, which are exempt from this regulation.
- In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no qualified student with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any extracurricular activities or programs, including student organizations.
- Only residence hall area governments will be considered for registration as student organizations for purposes of seeking student activity fee allocations recommended by the student constituency bodies. Residence hall floors will not be considered for registration as student groups.
- Officer Requirements
- In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as members of student organizations, students must be allowed to participate equally and may not be assigned or denied office or benefits on the basis of sex.
- Officers and/or chairs of all Registered Student Organizations must be students officially enrolled with the University and must be classified as being in "good standing" with the University. This refers to both academic and disciplinary standing as defined by Admissions and Records and the Dean of Students, respectively.
- Adviser Requirements
- Every student organization must have an adviser that is a member of the SIU Carbondale faculty or staff. Campus ministers who hold the University designation of adjunct staff are eligible to serve as advisers for religious groups.
- If the group operates financially from a University agency account, a fiscal officer is required. Fiscal officers must be SIU Carbondale faculty or staff members. The adviser and fiscal officer may be the same person. Campus Ministers are not eligible to serve as fiscal officers.
- If the group operates financially from a University state/student activity fee account, the fiscal officer must be approved by the Office of the Dean of Students.
- Organizational Procedural Requirements
Any student group seeking to be registered must submit an electronic copy of its constitution and statement of purpose to Student Involvement and Leadership Development for review. These must reflect democratic procedures for both the election of officers and the internal operating procedures of the organization. - Organizational Responsibility Requirements
In addition to meeting the above-stated criteria, each Registered Student Organization is responsible for- notifying Student Involvement and Leadership Development of any and all changes or revisions made to its constitution within one week of such changes;
- maintaining an up-to-date list of officers and advisers on file in Student Involvement and Leadership Development;
- submitting the "Annual Organization Registration Request" to Student Involvement and Leadership Development;
- ensuring proper scheduling of all events that are held on campus through the appropriate University scheduling offices;
- maintaining all Student Activity funds and/or funds generated with the support of University funds with the appropriate University business offices (see Solicitation Policy for regulations regarding funds raised on campus);
- making every effort to participate in scheduled activities fairs, workshops, and other University events especially designed for Registered Student Organizations;
- complying with all University policies, procedures, and regulations applicable to Registered Student Organizations.
- Organizational Membership Requirements
- Procedures To Become a Registered Student Organization
- Submit a "New Organization Request Form" to Student Involvement and Leadership Development. This form requires the names of a minimum of 10 interested students, the proposed name of the organization, statement of purpose, constitution, and completed "Advisor Verification Form".
- The "New Organization Request Form" will be reviewed by Student Involvement and Leadership Development. The completed request will then be presented to the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Student Senate and/or the Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC), and the coordinator of Student Involvement and Leadership Development for approval. After the request has been properly reviewed, the designated advisor will be notified of approval or non-approval. If the organization's membership consists of approximately one-half graduates and one-half undergraduates, the group's request may be presented to both USG and GPSC for review.
- A representative of the organization which is seeking to be registered must attend the USG and/or GPSC meeting at the time the application petition is to be reviewed. The representative is responsible for knowing the time and location of these meetings.
II. Student Constituencies
- Introduction
In accordance with Policies 3 of the Board of Trustees F, the following are the regulations and procedures by which the chancellor shall grant recognition to student constituency bodies of the University. As stated within Policies 3, F, 3, "The student constituency bodies shall be the official organizations designated to represent students . . . ." Therefore, since the recognized student constituency bodies represent a broad base of the enrolled student body, no more than two such bodies shall be recognized by the chancellor. - Procedures for Seeking Recognition
- A student group seeking recognition as an official student constituency body must submit to the Dean of Students:
- two copies of a petition signed by one-third of the body to be represented:
- the body to be represented must be composed of enrolled students;
- the body to be represented must represent a broad base of the entire student population;
- the petition must contain the signature, printed name, address, and SIU Carbondale identification number of each student who signs the petition;
- three copies of a letter requesting recognition as an official student constituency body:
- a copy of the proposed constitution of the body must be included with the letter;
- included within the letter must be a statement of purpose of the body.
- two copies of a petition signed by one-third of the body to be represented:
- Following proper review, the Dean of Students shall submit to the chancellor the documents named in II.B.1 along with his/her recommendation for the review and approval or disapproval by the chancellor. (Any amendments to the constitution of an officially recognized student constituency body are subject to review by the Dean of Students. Any amendments which violate section II.C. of this document may result in rescinding the body's recognition.)
- A student group seeking recognition as an official student constituency body must submit to the Dean of Students:
- General Criteria
- No student constituency body shall be recognized unless it adheres to all appropriate federal or state laws concerning nondiscrimination and equal opportunity.
- Active participation within a student constituency body shall be limited to students officially enrolled within Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
- In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, participation requirements within the student constituency body must be the same for men and women.
- In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no qualified student with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of the student constituency body.
- Procedures for Seeking to Obtain Recognition in Place of an Existing Constituency Body
- In the event a group wishes to replace an existing student constituency as a recognized student constituency body, the following must be submitted to the Dean of Students:
- all documents described in II.B (Procedures for Seeking Recognition);
- a statement which establishes cause for consideration of removal of recognition from the existing student constituency body. The statement must present fully documented and verifiable examples of demonstrated gross misconduct by the existing student constituency body (not merely one or two of the officers of the body).
- Following proper review, the Dean of Students shall submit to the chancellor the documents named in II.D.1 along with his/her recommendation for the review and approval or disapproval by the chancellor. The chancellor will determine whether to proceed with the process.
- If the chancellor approves of proceeding with the process, a referendum will be conducted.
- Only those students who will be represented by the student constituency body shall be permitted to vote.
- The referendum will be conducted mutually by the existing student constituency body, the body seeking recognition, and the office of the Dean of Students.
- No less than two-thirds of those voting must support the new body for official recognition to be afforded the new constituency.
- If the chancellor disapproves of proceeding with the process (II.D.2), no referendum will be held and the existing student constituency body shall continue to remain the officially recognized student constituency body.
- In the event a group wishes to replace an existing student constituency as a recognized student constituency body, the following must be submitted to the Dean of Students: