Housing Policies and Regulations
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:42 PM
[The following was approved on October 15, 1980, with amendments on June 12, 2002 and July 8, 2009, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 3Policies B.]
- All single students under the age of 21, not residing with their parents or legal guardians, with fewer than 26 credit hours earned after High School are required to live in University-owned and operated residence halls. Exemptions to the policy will be administered and established by University Housing.
- All administrative regulations and services shall be reviewed annually to ensure that the best interests of the university, its students, and the community are preserved. No regulation shall be established which would be inconsistent with the contractual obligation of the university to maintain full occupancy in university facilities built with bonded debt financing.
- In the interest of fairness to all off-campus housing developers and landlords, the university will remain impartial with respect to sponsoring off-campus housing facilities. The university will do none of the following:
- guarantee a specific number of occupants for any development;
- underwrite, pledge, encumber, subsidize, or in any way guarantee a specific monetary sum to developers or to any financing agency;
- obligate the State of Illinois to the expenditure of time, money, or labor in promoting, managing, or supporting any off-campus student housing development;
- allow any off-campus student housing development to use the name of Southern Illinois University, or any reasonable facsimile or appropriation of an integral part thereof in any part of its title.