Demonstrations: Regulations and Procedures
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:42 PM
[The following was approved on February 2, 1983, with amendments on May 18, 1998, August 23, 2004, March 14, 2012, and October 8, 2013 in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 6 Policies C.4/University policy. This policy supercedes the previous policy.]
SIU Board of Trustees 6 Policies C.4 states, in part:
The university is a community dedicated to intellectual development by the process of rational thought and to the freedom of expression of ideas and opinions. It is a community that not only tolerates dissent; it welcomes responsible dissent and discourse on the issues of our time. Southern Illinois University has historically stood in this tradition.
Freedom is indivisible, and recognition of this fact is paramount to the maintenance of the open university community. Freedom to protest by lawful means must and will be protected by all the authority available to the university. However, when actions of individuals or groups interfere with the legitimate rights of others and are directed at the disruption of the normal processes of university life, they must and will be resisted.
The University retains the right to regulate the time, place, and manner of demonstrations to assure the safety of individuals, the protection of property and the continuity of the educational process.
“Temporary sign” means a sign or other display or device that is not permanently affixed and is capable of being removed at the end of each day or shift.
“Temporary shelter” means a tent or shelter that is not permanently affixed and is commonly used by people as shelter from weather but not camping, such as a collapsible pop-up type canopy, and is capable of being removed at the end of the event.
Use of University Property for a Demonstration/Protest
- Demonstrations/protests on University property are limited to the times of 6:00 am—6:00 pm.
- Locations of demonstrations/protests are limited by the section on Standards of Respect and Civility in the University Learning Community and to Area A, if amplified sound is used. Amplified sound is otherwise prohibited, except as allowed in Area A.
- For safety and security reasons, activities considered to be overnight camping or the use of tents commonly used for camping at any time are prohibited. Temporary shelters are permitted for the health, welfare, and well-being of participants. Temporary shelters may be used so long as individuals participating in the demonstration are present. Temporary shelters and any signs shall be removed at the conclusion of the demonstration, but no later than 6:00 PM each day.
Standards of Respect and Civility in the University Learning Community
Southern Illinois University Carbondale is a public institution of higher education committed to excellence in teaching, research, and public service. The University has an obligation to maintain conditions under which the work of the University can go forward freely, in accordance with the highest standards of quality, institutional integrity, and freedom of expression, with full recognition by all concerned of the rights and privileges, as well as responsibilities, of those who comprise the University learning community.
Therefore, the University expects all members of the campus community to develop and maintain a high degree of respect for the wealth of diversity in which we are all fortunate to live and work together. This civility and respect for diversity will flourish in an atmosphere of academic freedom that is considerate and tolerant of the ideas of others.
Standards of Respect and Civility in the University Learning Community include but are not limited to the following responsibilities:
Individuals, organizations, or groups of persons engaging in free expression will accept
responsibility for...
- identifying a contact person in attendance to facilitate communication with University officials
- complying with applicable University policies and regulations and local, state, and federal laws
- seeking to maintain order to prevent damage to University property
- reimbursing the University for damage they directly cause to University property, including cleanup
Standards of Respect and Civility in the University Learning Community include but are not limited to the following prohibitions:
No person on University property or at official University functions may. . .
- Violate applicable University policies or regulations or local, state, and/or federal laws
- Deny the rights of students, faculty, staff, or guests of the University
- Deny the rights of those engaged in peaceful discourse or dissent
- Deny the proper use of offices or other facilities to the students, faculty, officers, staff, trustees, or guests of the University
- Attempt to or actually interfere with, impair, or impede classes, events, ceremonies, or the operations of the University
- Obstruct or disrupt campus activities
- Disrupt or interfere with, impede, or cause blockage of the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic
- Disrupt, interfere with, impede, or cause blockage of ingress to or egress from any building
- Willfully, negligently, or recklessly commit any act likely to create an imminent health or safety hazard
- Interfere with events by blocking audience view, making noise that hampers a speaker or performance from being heard, or performing any other act disruptive to the event
- Engage in the production of amplified sound outside of Free Forum Area A or non-amplified sound that disrupts classes, campus events or operations, or interferes with residence hall quiet hours
- Engage in physically abusive, threatening, or intimidating conduct toward any person
- Leave an area littered with trash, debris, or personal property
- Fail to comply with contractual terms or conditions under which a special event is held on University property
- Fail to comply with the directions of a University official or law enforcement officer acting in the performance of his or her duties
- Fail to abide by local, state, or federal security measures or regulations in effect for special events
Events Within Designated Public Forum Areas
Individuals, organizations, and groups of persons seeking to engage in free expression within the designated public forum areas may do so in accordance with the Standards of Respect and Civility in the University Learning Community, as noted above.
Area A: The Free Forum Area, the triangle area of grass outlined by sidewalks located immediately north of the Anthony Hall Parking Lot 2 and immediately south of Davies Gym, has been designated as a public forum for free expression. Any member of the public or the University community may use this area for free expression on a first-come, first-serve basis, provided that the area has not been reserved. Members of the public and University community who wish to reserve this area may do so by contacting the Office of the Dean of Students 24 hours in advance. Commercial activities associated with the event require advance approval from the Office of the Dean of Students. Amplified sound is permitted if used so as not to interfere with classes, events, ceremonies, or operations of the University.
Area B: The lawn located north of Morris Library and south and west of Parking Lot 6 has been designated as a public forum for noncommercial free expression. Any member of the public or the University community may use this area for free expression on a first-come, first-serve basis, provided that the area has not been reserved. Members of the public and University community who wish to reserve this area may do so by contacting the Office of the Dean of Students 24 hours in advance. Amplified sound is not permitted.
Events Outside of Designated Public Forum Areas
Individuals, organizations, and groups of persons seeking to engage in noncommercial free expression on property owned and/or controlled by the University may do so in accordance with the Standards of Respect and Civility in the University Learning Community, as noted above.
A violation of this policy should be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students. The Department of Public Safety and other appropriate law enforcement officials may also take necessary action to ensure compliance with the provisions of this policy, preserve order, and protect the health of the public.
If any person, group, or organization fails to abide by the provisions of this policy, said person, group, or organization shall be subject to official action being taken by the University officials in accordance with applicable policies and procedures of the SIU Board of Trustees, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, local, state, and federal laws.