Naming Physical Components of the University
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:42 PM
[The following was approved on May 22, 1996, in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 6 Policies B.2.]
- Physical components of the university may be named for notable members of the university faculty, staff, and student body; for distinguished former members of the Board; for donors of substantial funds; or for public persons, no longer living, of the state and nation, or of any country.
- No more than one physical component shall be named for any one person at the university campuses, except for presidents and statesmen of the United States.
- The chancellor shall make recommendations to the president who will make recommendations to the Board of Trustees relating to naming of facilities. The chancellor may appoint an advisory committee made up of constituency, SIU Foundation and alumni representatives to assist in making recommendations. The Board must approve each recommendation before further proceedings are initiated.
- When physical components of the university consisting of permanent buildings and structures used for housing, instruction, research, or administration are given a proper name, an appropriate suffix noun excluding "Building" should be used. The noun "Building" will be used, with function names as a prefix, whenever a building is not named for a person. This policy for suffix nouns holds for all except special purpose physical components of the university, such as, libraries, athletic buildings and structures or facilities, extracurricular activity buildings, physical service buildings and structures, over/underpasses, streets, drives, special purpose areas, and the like.
- The appropriate suffix noun for auditoria, theaters, lecture halls, lounges, art galleries, dining rooms and other spaces contained within a permanent building that are suitable for honoring a person will be determined by the predominant intended use of the space.
- Whenever practicable, the physical component naming committee, when naming physical components for persons, will take into consideration the discipline or service represented by the candidate named with a view to matching it as closely as possible to the discipline or nature of the expected permanent future function or service of the physical component to be named. The administrative dean or director of the academic or service unit under whose responsibility the physical component comes shall also be consulted for his/her advice.
- If a recommended new or changed name for a physical component includes a proper-name prefix, the recommendation shall consist of a written resume of the accomplishments of the person for whom it is proposed to name the physical component, together with the particular contributions, if any, made to the university. After the approval of the Board has been given to name a physical component, the permission of the proposed honoree, or of the nearest relative shall be obtained, whichever is applicable, before public announcement is made.
- The chancellor of Southern Illinois University Carbondale is authorized to establish procedures to implement these policies in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Southern Illinois University System.