Fund-Raising, Canvassing, Soliciting, Vending, and Allied Advertising
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2024, 03:42 PM
[The following was approved on December 8, 1982, with amendments on December 22, 1997 and August 13, 2020, and August 1, 2021 in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 6 Policies C.2.]
These regulations shall in no way affect the full exercise of constitutional rights of free speech, assembly, or religion, nor are they intended to restrict the right to engage in any activity covered by the Policy on Demonstrations. (For other requirements relating to use of university property, e.g., Policy on Demonstrations, Scheduled Events and Meetings, see 6 Policies C and the university regulations promulgated thereunder.)
- General Policy
- "Fund-raisers, canvassers, solicitors, vendors, and agents are forbidden to pursue their occupations on any property owned or controlled by the university except on official university business or in accordance with policies to except certain educational, cultural and service activities (6Policies C.2.a)." Prior written approval for such activity must be obtained from the appropriate university office designated in Section 2.c (below).
- "No person shall conduct such activity without first having procured credentials or identification as an agent for an activity within one of the above exceptions, nor when an otherwise excepted activity disrupts or interferes with or might reasonably lead the responsible administrative officer to forecast substantial disruption of or material interference with the official operations of the university; the normal flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; conditions compatible with instruction, research, study, rehearsal and practices; and health, sanitation, and safety of the university students, staff, and invitees. In addition, no such person shall in the course of such occupation purvey or publish any material which contains statements which are willfully scurrilous or profane, demonstrably without factual foundation, malicious in law, or intentionally misleading or fraudulent, unless such statements are within the constitutional protection of the First Amendment or other legal privilege, nor shall any such person engage in any unlawful act in the course of such occupation" (6 Policies C.2.b).
- "The following guidelines shall serve as standards for classification as an acceptable educational, cultural, or service activity as expressed in Section 1.a:
- An educational or cultural activity may warrant such classification when it is an activity of or sponsored by a college, school, unit or department of the university including recognized student organizations and when the major aspect of the activity is the display or exhibition of goods, products, or materials for the educational or cultural benefit of persons enrolled, registered, invited, or otherwise formally involved in the activity.
- A service activity performed by an accredited representative of a bona fide organization which is of benefit to the education and welfare of members of the university community or its service areas, or both, may also warrant such classification. All charitable solicitations must conform to law and comply with the highest standards of disclosure of and accountability for funds received" (6 Policies C.2.d).
- "An admission fee may be charged or contributions solicited for events or meetings held on university premises only in accordance with university policies and regulations. Permission to charge admission fees or to solicit contributions may be granted to the following:
- recognized student organizations, when the proceeds from approved and properly scheduled activities are deposited into the university agency fund of the organization concerned, and are expended in accordance with established policies and regulations.
- faculty and staff organizations recognized by the university when the funds collected are for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the event or meeting, or are to be used for university scholarships, university projects, or university philanthropic programs.
- university-allied or -affiliated organizations and non-university groups and organizations (see 2.a.6), when the funds collected are for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the event or meeting, or are to be used for university scholarships, university projects, or university philanthropic programs" (6 Policies C.2.a).
- "The credentials of such organizations may be revoked for cause on the following grounds:
- Misrepresentation at the time of application.
- Material alteration or loss of an organization characteristic essential to its continued compliance with a standard of classification" under paragraph l.c (6 Policies C.2.e) .
- Regulations and Procedures
- General Approval Procedures
- Applicants must satisfy all applicable requirements established by federal, state and local laws, regulations, or ordinances prior to obtaining university approval.
- Applicants must appear in person with a completed application form at the appropriate university office, as identified in Section 2.c, at least two full working days prior to the time they wish to commence their activities on campus. If requested, applicants representing non-university groups must present proof of liability and/or automobile insurance and proof of certification from the Jackson or Sangamon County Board of Health.
- Applicants representing an organization or group must present credentials identifying themselves as agents or authorized representatives of such organization or group.
- The period of time for approval shall be determined by the appropriate office at the time of application. All approvals shall expire on the time and date specified on the permit. Prior to renewal, a new application must be filed with the appropriate office. Approval of any activity does not create any right of renewal.
- Should two or more applicants request the same location at the same time, a "first come, first served" policy will be utilized.
- Pursuant to Sections l.a and l.c, an applicant who is not affiliated with the university, shall not receive a permit to sell any product on university property unless
- the applicant has applied for and received a solicitation permit for each of the years commencing July 1, 1978; or
- the applicant has specifically contracted with the university through the Board of Trustees; or
- the applicant is a participant in a specially recognized campus event, e.g., the fall Flea Market; or
- the applicant is selling printed material, not otherwise available on campus, that is constitutionally protected.
- Denial or Revocation of Approval
Approval may be denied or revoked for any of the following reasons:- failure to meet or maintain the requirements of Section l or any of these regulations;
- violation of any Board of Trustees policy relating to use of university property (6 Policies C) or any regulation promulgated thereunder by Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
- Substantiated adverse reports regarding the manner of solicitation or the quality of goods or services offered.
- Appropriate University Offices
- Applicants must receive approval from the appropriate university office as indicated:
Applicant Approval Offices
Location Office Student Center (or vicinity) Student Center director On-Campus Housing Director of Housing or designee General Campus Area Registered student organizations Student Development External organizations or individuals Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or designee Recognized employee organizations Appropriate vice chancellor or designee Medical School, Springfield Director of Facilities & Services, Springfield - Activities in the following areas must in addition also have approval of these respective offices:
Activity Approval Offices
Location Office Banterra Center, Saluki Stadium and other athletic facilities Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Shryock Auditorium; Old Main Mall Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Lake-on-the-Campus, Student Recreation Center, activity areas Director of Intramural-Recreational Sports or designee Davies Gymnasium Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or academic dean or designee and, if an athletic event is in progress, the director of Intercollegiate Athletics Touch of Nature Director of Touch of Nature or designee Academic Buildings (within) Provost and Vice Chancellor or academic dean or designee The applicant is responsible to obtain all necessary approvals.
- Applicants must receive approval from the appropriate university office as indicated:
- Enforcement
- Upon a determination that a violation of these regulations is occurring, a member of the staff responsible for the area in question shall inform the person(s) responsible that the violation and/or solicitation must cease.
- Should the person(s) refuse to cease the violation and/or solicitation the staff member should inform the person(s) to stop the activity at once and leave the area. SIUC Public Safety will be notified, if necessary. In addition,
- The vice chancellor for Student Affairs will be notified if the solicitor is a student at SIUC. If the violation occurs in Springfield, the assistant dean for Student Affairs will be notified. Student Development will also be notified if the violation involves a registered student organization.
- The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance will be notified if the solicitor is external to the university. If the violation occurs in Springfield, the director of Facilities and Services will be notified.
- The appropriate vice chancellor will be notified if the solicitor is a member of the faculty or staff of the university.
- The determination that a person is in violation of these regulations may be reviewed through established university channels.
- Special Area Rules
- University Housing
No vehicles, booths, tables, stands, or displays may be set up inside or outside of any on-campus housing area except as approved by University Housing. No activity will be permitted which competes with existing residence hall services and/or food products, except as permitted in paragraph 2.a.6.a. University Housing may require that there be a reasonable distance between the permitted activity and any on-campus housing area. - Student Center, Student Recreation Center, Lake on the Campus, Other Recreational Facilities
No vehicles, booths, tables, stands, or displays may be set up inside or adjacent to the outside of the Student Center, Student Recreation Center, Lake on the Campus, and other recreational facilities except as specifically approved by the appropriate office. No activity will be conducted which competes with existing services, merchandise and/or food products. No food or merchandise may be sold by solicitors within the areas without the specific approval of the appropriate offices. - Athletic Facilities
No product may be sold at or near any SIU athletic facility which would compete with the concession operations without the express written permission of the athletic director. - Medical School/Springfield
The Medical School at Springfield may have its own special regulations which must be honored.
- University Housing
- Special University-Wide Rules
- No solicitation will be permitted in front of entrance/exit doors or escalator/stair/elevator entry and discharge points.
- No one shall be permitted to block ingress or egress to any campus facility.
- Solicitation on sidewalks and paths within the campus is limited to daylight hours.
- Any applicant for a solicitation permit at an officially scheduled university event must obtain additional approval from the office responsible for the event.
- Any person(s) utilizing amplified sound in its solicitation activity must use the Free Forum area.
1. The jurisdiction of Student Development, Administration, and Academic Affairs consists of general campus facilities, indoor and outdoor, which are defined as "buildings and areas in which space has been designated for scheduling special events, meetings, special classes or tests, and campus tours, when the designated area or space is not required for established academic or operational programs."
- General Approval Procedures